This repo contains python code that cracks a secret code.
Run the code.
# Define a function to find the truth by shifting the letter by a specified amount
def lasso_letter(letter, shift_amount):
# Invoke the ord function to translate the letter to its ASCII code
# Save the code value to the variable called letter_code
letter_code = ord(letter.lower())
# The ASCII number representation of lowercase letter a
a_ascii = ord('a')
# The number of letters in the alphabet
alphabet_size = 26
# The formula to calculate the ASCII number for the decoded letter
# Take into account looping around the alphabet
true_letter_code = a_ascii + (((letter_code - a_ascii) + shift_amount) % alphabet_size)
# Convert the ASCII number to the character or letter
decoded_letter = chr(true_letter_code)
# Send the decoded letter back
return decoded_letter
# Define a function to find the truth in a secret message
# Shift the letters in a word by a specified amount to discover the hidden word
def lasso_word(word, shift_amount):
# This variable is updated each time another letter is decoded
decoded_word = ""
# This for loop iterates through each letter in the word parameter
for letter in word:
# The lasso_letter() function is invoked with each letter and the shift amount
# The result (the decoded letter) is stored in a variable called decoded_letter
decoded_letter = lasso_letter(letter, shift_amount)
# The decoded_letter value is added to the end of the decoded_word value
decoded_word = decoded_word + decoded_letter
# The decoded_word is sent back to the line of code that invoked this function
return decoded_word
# Try to decode the word "terra"
print( "Shifting Ncevy by 13 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "Ncevy", 13 ) )
print( "Shifting gpvsui by 25 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "gpvsui", 25 ) )
print( "Shifting ugflgkg by -18 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "ugflgkg", -18 ) )
print( "Shifting wjmmf by -1 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "wjmmf", -1 ) )
Shifting Ncevy by 13 gives:
Shifting gpvsui by 25 gives:
Shifting ugflgkg by -18 gives:
Shifting wjmmf by -1 gives: