Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. We provide a continually-updated view of publicly available data with powerful analytics and visualizations showing pathogen evolution and epidemic spread. Our goal is to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response.
Resulting data and inferences are available live at the website Documentation is available at
Definition: One held to foretell events by omens.
Augur is the bioinformatics toolkit we use to track evolution from sequence and serological data. It provides a collection of commands which are designed to be composable into larger processing pipelines. Documentation for augur is available at
Augur is written in Python 3 and requires at least Python 3.4.
It's published on PyPi as nextstrain-augur, so you can install it with pip
(or pip3
) like so:
pip install nextstrain-augur
You can also install from a git clone or other copy of the source code by running:
pip install .
If your system has both Python 2 and Python 3 installed side-by-side, you may need to use pip3
or python3 -m pip
instead of just pip
(which often defaults to Python 2 when both Python versions are installed).
This install depends on a fairly minimal set of external Python libraries. There are some functions in augur that require a larger set of dependencies. These can be installed via:
pip install .[full]
Augur uses some common external bioinformatics programs which you'll need to install to have a fully functioning toolkit:
augur align
requires mafft -
augur tree
requires at least one of: -
Bacterial data (or any VCF usage) requires vcftools
Alternatively, all these dependencies (as well as augur itself) can be installed via Conda by running:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Once installed, Conda the enviroment need to be activated whenever augur is to be used, by running:
conda activate augur
All of Augur's commands are accessed through the augur
For example, to infer ancestral sequences from a tree, you'd run augur ancestral
If you've installed the nextstrain-augur
package, you can just run augur
Otherwise, you can run ./bin/augur
from a copy of the source code.
usage: augur [-h] {parse,filter,mask,align,tree,refine,ancestral,translate,clades,traits,sequence-traits,titers,export,validate,version} ...
Augur: A bioinformatics toolkit for phylogenetic analysis.
positional arguments:
parse Parse delimited fields from FASTA sequence names into
a TSV and FASTA file.
filter Filter and subsample a sequence set.
mask Mask specified sites from a VCF file.
align Align multiple sequences from FASTA or VCF.
tree Build a tree using a variety of methods.
refine Refine an initial tree using sequence metadata.
ancestral Infer ancestral sequences based on a tree.
translate Translate gene regions from nucleotides to amino
clades Assign clades to nodes in a tree based on amino-acid
or nucleotide signatures.
traits Infer ancestral traits based on a tree.
sequence-traits Annotate sequences based on amino-acid or nucleotide
titers Annotate a tree with actual and inferred titer
export Export JSON files suitable for visualization with
validate Validate a set of JSON files intended for
visualization in auspice.
version Print the version of augur.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
For more information on a specific command, you can run it with the --help
option, for example, augur tree --help
Development of augur
happens at
We currently target compatibility with Python 3.4 and higher. This may be increased to in the future.
Versions for this project from 3.0.0 onwards aim to follow the Semantic Versioning rules.
From within a clone of the git repository you can run ./bin/augur
to test your local changes without installing them.
(Note that ./bin/augur
is not the script that gets installed by pip as augur
; that script is generated by the entry_points
configuration in
You can also install augur from source as an "editable" package so that your global augur
command always uses your local source code copy:
pip install -e .[dev]
This is not recommended if you want to be able to compare output from a stable version of augur to a development version (e.g. comparing output of augur
installed with pip and ./bin/augur
from your local source code).
Run doctests and unit tests for augur from Python 3 with pytest from the top-level of the augur repository.
pytest -c pytest.python3.ini
Or, run tests for augur from Python 2.
pytest -c pytest.python2.ini
As tests run on the development code in the augur repository, your environment should not have an existing augur installation that could cause a conflict in pytest.
New releases are tagged in git using a signed tag. The release
should always point to the latest release tag. Source and wheel (binary)
distributions are uploaded to the nextstrain-augur project on
There is a ./devel/release
script which will prepare a new release from your
local repository. It ends with instructions for you on how to push the release
commit/tag/branch and how to upload the built distributions to PyPi. You'll
need a PyPi account and twine installed to do the latter.
Branches and PRs are tested by Travis CI jobs configured in .travis.yml
New releases, via pushes to the release
branch, trigger a new docker-base
build to keep the Docker image up-to-date.
Documentation is built using Sphinx and hosted on Read The Docs. Versions of the documentation for each augur release and git branch are available and preserved.
Building the documentation locally is useful to test changes. First, make sure you have the development dependencies of augur installed:
pip install '.[dev]'
This installs packages listed in the dev
section of extras_require
in (in addition to any normal augur dependencies if necessary).
Then build the HTML output format by running:
make -C docs html
You can see other available formats by running:
make -C docs help
To update the API documentation after adding or removing an augur submodule, autogenerate a new API file as follows.
sphinx-apidoc -T -f -MeT -o docs augur
Sphinx caches built documentation by default, which is generally great, but can cause the sidebar of pages to be stale. You can clean out the cache with:
make -C docs clean
Copyright 2014-2019 Trevor Bedford and Richard Neher.
Source code to Nextstrain is made available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). Nextstrain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.