Print CPU and GPU temperatures on macOS.
It works on following macs.
- arm64 (M4 mac)
- arm64 (M3 mac)
- arm64 (M2 mac)
- arm64 (M1 mac)
- x86_64
I took the code from hholtmann/smcFanControl/smc-command and modified it to specialize in temperature acquisition. Some of the sensor values were obtained from the exelban/stats project.
$ git clone
$ cd smctemp
$ sudo make install
$ smctemp -c
$ smctemp -h
Check Temperature by using Apple System Management Control (Smc) tool
./smctemp [options]
-c : list CPU temperatures (Celsius)
-g : list GPU temperatures (Celsius)
-h : help
-i : set interval in milliseconds (e.g. -i25, valid range is 20-1000, default: 1000)
-l : list all keys and values
-f : fail-soft mode. Shows last valid value if current sensor read fails.
-v : version
-n : tries to query the temperature sensors for n times (e.g. -n3) until a valid value is returned
$ smctemp -c
$ smctemp -g
On M2 Macs, sensor values may be unstable as described in the following issue:
For M2 Macs, using the -n
, -i
, and -f
options can help obtain more stable sensor values.
Try tuning these options to get better results.
The recommended settings are -i25 -n180 -f
(See also