This repository contains my Emacs configuration files and some emacs packages stored in the .emacs.d directory for Mac and Linux.
Fist of all, simply download dot.emacs from this site by clinking the green button "Clone or download" or directly clone it on Terminal as follows:
$ git clone
Copy ".emacs" and ".emacs.d" to your home directory.
$ cd dot.emacs
$ cp -a .emacs* ~/
Change the following local variables in ~/.emacs to your name and email address.
(setq user-full-name "Your name")
(setq user-mail-address "Your email address")
Older version of Emacs (Emacs22) is iinstalled by default with Mac OS. So it is suggested you to install new one on your Mac.
New Emcas (Emacs 25.1) can be installed with Homebrew in Mac.
$ brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew cask install emacs
For Apple M1, Emacs can be installed as follows:
$ brew install --cask emacs
The installed can be opened from Terminal.
$ open -a /Application/
The following alias is optional, but it's recommended if you like to start by typing 'emacs' on Terminal. Create the alias in your shell. To make it permanent, put that line to your .profile (or .bash_profile, etc) at home directory
$ alias emacs="open -a /Applications/"
$ alias emacs="/Applications/ 2>/dev/null"
For Apple M1, arch -x86_64
is required as follows:
$ alias emacs="arch -x86_64 /Applications/ 2>/dev/null"
Appearance of emacs can be changed by modifying ~/.emacs.d/listp/config_appearance.el.
To change colors (foreground, background, etc.), modify the frame parameters in the variable default-frame-alist
(setq default-frame-alist
'(top . 0)
'(left . 0)
'(foreground-color . "black")
'(background-color . "wheat")
'(border-color . "black")
'(mouse-color . "white")
'(cursor-color . "black"))
To change modeline color, modify the following colors.
(set-face-foreground 'mode-line "#ffffff")
(set-face-background 'mode-line "#b40000")
To enable menu bar, turn on menu-bar-mode
(menu-bar-mode 1)
To enable tool bar, turn on tool-bar-mode
(tool-bar-mode 1)
To be enabled to scroll up/down by block and select a region on Emacs by using control + arrows and space, disable several shortcuts for Misson Control and Spotlight in System Preferances.
- Open "System Preferences"
- Click "Keyboard" in Hardware
- Select "Misson Control" in the Shortcuts tab
- Uncheck "Mission Control" and "Application windows"
- Uncheck "Move left a space" and "Move right a space"
- Select "Spotlight" in the Shortcuts tab
- Uncheck "Show Spotlight search"