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Nansat is a scientist friendly Python toolbox for processing 2D satellite earth observation data.
The main goal of Nansat is to facilitate:
- easy development and testing of scientific algorithms,
- easy analysis of geospatial data, and
- efficient operational processing.
You can find a detailed description of Nansat in our paper published in Journal of Open Research Software in 2016.
... and you can join the mailing list.
We appreciate acknowledgments of Nansat. Please add a reference to the following paper if you use Nansat in scientific publications:
Korosov A.A., Hansen M.W., Dagestad K.-F., Yamakawa A., Vines A., Riechert M., (2016). Nansat: a Scientist-Orientated Python Package for Geospatial Data Processing. Journal of Open Research Software. 4(1), p.e39. DOI:
You will find complete documentation for Nansat at Read the Docs.
You will find information about contributing to Nansat at Read the Docs.
An easy way to install Nansat requirements on any platform is to use Anaconda (download installer).
# create environment with key requirements conda create -y -n py3nansat gdal numpy pillow netcdf4 scipy # activate environment conda activate py3nansat # install nansat pip install nansat # launch python python
Another option is to use Docker containers (read about Docker).:
# download image with everything pre-installed and launch ipython docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/data:/data akorosov/nansat ipython
# download a test file wget
# import main file opener
from nansat import Nansat
# open a test file
n = Nansat('stere.tif')
# see file content
# create RGB with auto-stretched histogram
n.write_figure('stere_rgb.png', [1,2,3], clim='hist')
Nansat is outfitted with unittests, which you can use to ensure that all functionality works on your platform.
# install testing packages from conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge nose mock # run nansat.tests nosetests nansat # Run all tests including nansat_integration_tests with coverage cd <nansat_repository_folder> nosetests -w . --with-coverage --cover-package=nansat
Nansat works on both Python 2 and Python 3 but automatic testing on TravisCI is done for Python 3.7 only. Fore more information see Read the Docs or notebooks for Nansat lectures
The project is licensed under the GNU general public license version 3.
Development is supported by the Research Council of Norway as a part of NORMAP project (grant no. 195397/V30).