Creative product recommendation from Recycled trash detection | Champion of GDSC Hackathon Vietnam 2024
Deploy Streamlit:
This project is the submission for the GDSC Hackathon Vietnam 2024. The application is deployed using Streamlit. The app allows users to capture an image, perform object recognition, and calculate the total quantity of each recognized ingredient in the image. Subsequently, it suggests suitable items that can be created from the recognized materials. After selecting the desired item, the application provides detailed information including: ID, name, URL, difficulty level, danger level, and any surplus or deficient ingredients.
Brief introduction to the project. You can embed a video here showcasing the project in action or providing an overview.
Download pre-trained yolov8 here:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Creative-product-recommendation-from-Recycled-trash-detection
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Streamlit application:
streamlit run
Once the application is running, access it through your web browser at `http://localhost:8501
Specify the project's license, if applicable. For example:
This project is licensed under the MIT License.