A sample application to explore Kotlin Features.
- This app is built as POC.
- Adds different libs to enhance the application quality and performance
- Version 1.0.0
- To setup you need to clone this repo, from
- Get your
Food2Fork API key
- Create a keystore.properties file with the content (including the quotes):FOOD2FORK_API_KEY="YOUR API KEY"
- Place this file in the root project.
Please sync and resolve dependencies
- JDK 1.8 / Kotlin 1.3.21
- Android SDK.
- Latest Android SDK Tools and build tools.
Used Android Lint
and Sonar Lint
for code quality checks
Demonstrating TDD for the development.
- A small demonstration of Mokito is included to show, how we could test the app by JUnit
- forks are always appreciated