These permissions were granted by the IT Department at Ben-Gurion University and the permissions are:
- For the remote server
- For a compose tool
- PostgreSQL
- Clone the next repository: OHDSI:
- Run the docker Multiple containers Using the tool compose.
- Edit the configuration files as follow:
- Set login information to matches the Hadassah database.
- The webAPI and the url of ATLAS to: http://:8080/atlas/. Where is should be replace with the actual address (something like
- Download the concepts related tables VOCABULARY, CONCEPTS etc. from OHDSI Athena:
- Download the scripts that define the schema and tables in the appropriate version and move them to a folder we created on the remote server: Sql Scripts. This SQL queries can be generated using the next command
CommonDataModel::buildRelease(cdmVersions = "5.4",
targetDialects = "postgresql",
outputfolder = "/pathToOutput")
See and R Scripts/createNewCDM.r.
The execute these queries.
Execute it from R on the remote server:
Running a script SQL Which builds the target tables on the server. [link to script] (
Running a script SQL Which defines the primary keys in each table. [link to script] (
Upload vocabulary tables and concepts through script execution SQL [link to script] (
Upload each table individually to the database using a script built in Python. [link to script] (
Build constraints using a SQL script on each table. [link to script] (
• Connection guide to ATLAS and postgreSQL server:
* Make sure you are connected to BGU VPN with your personal code.
* Connect to postgreSQL server with the URL:[link to URL] (http://<URL>:5050/browser/).
* connect to ATLAS application with the URL:[link to URL] http://<URL>:8080/atlas/).
- Perform the steps for connecting from the ATLAS to PostgreSQL server according to the the next guide - .
- Create 2 new schemas in the DB, each schema will be used for a different purpose.
- Execute the setup script cdm_setup.sql
There are several scripts that need to be executed by domain:
- Care site
- Location
- And the others script in Clinical Data Tables
- Load the concepts related tables using cdm_vocab_load.sql
- Upload the data by executing which is a wrapper for upload transformed CSV files.
Run the Achilles using R and load the results to the DB. The Achilles is used to analyze the data of the tables visually.
- <R Scripts/checkingAchilles.r>
- <R Scripts/checkingDQD.r>