In this repo i will list down what i use to automate my finances. It can be existing tools or the script/library i build that can be useful to get transaction information.
Managing money can be a source of stress and taking a lot of time. I have some some bills to pay, like utility, credit card, insurance, etc. Because i want to track my expenses as well, i want to all "money out" from my pocket to be recorded in one single source. Imagine how long it takes to record the transaction you have in the past month into 1 single source like Google Sheets? 🤔 So i think it worth to automate & list it down in here in case you also interested.
Link: This is i used for source of transaction i made from various application/channels such as Bank, eWallet, eCommerce, etc
Link: Pipedream to connect multiple application/scripts/library i built with API. Thinking it by connecting the dots. Example use case: I want to record my eCommerce transaction daily ➡️ save it to Google Sheets ➡️ Notify me to Telegram if success
Link: Used for notify if transaction successfully recorded or failed
List of existing or my custom build library to support my needs for personal finances automation.
Link: Script to parse eStatement & credit card statement from PDF into JSON
Link: WIP Library to automate transfer using BCA mobile apps
Link: This library i used to get transaction history from GoPay transaction to Gojek core services like GoFood and GoRide
Link: WIP
This library i used to get my transaction history in Tokopedia from eCommerce to bills payment
This library i used to get my transaction history in Shopee and also ShopeFood
Library for automatic investment using SimInvest
Link: WIP
Library for automatic investment using SPOT Sucor