Query your POSTS table with (almost) all the power WordPress has to offer
Requires the WordPress For Unity Bridge.
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► post type
► tags
► categories
► attachments
► published status
► password protected or not
► specifying it's password
► date
► specifying a specific posts or page by it's name or id
► searching against a custom search term
► specifying multiple and/or nested taxonomies
► specifying specific author or authors you want to find
► excluding specific author or authors from your search results
► comment count
► mime types (jpgs, gifs, zip, video...)
The list of options just keeps on going !
Mix and match these as you require... you have the full power of WordPress behind you!
► You can decide whether or not to make searches affect the server cache
► Return only the post ID's of your selected query
► Specify the return order of your search results
► Write posts of any custom / existing post type
► Upload images to your WordPress library
► Assign / Update a post's featured image