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An Among Us mod forked from The Other Roles and The Other Us.


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本模组不隶属于 Among Us 或 Innersloth LLC,其包含的内容也未得到 Innersloth LLC 的认可或以其他方式赞助。此处包含的部分材料是Innersloth LLC的财产。

The Other Us - Edited

若在游玩过程中发现了bug或有一些建议,欢迎提出ISSUE、PR或加入模组交流群 >>> 961341019

职业相关Wiki请移步至我的个人博客 >>> [沫夏悠轩の聚会 - 模组职业介绍]



游戏版本 模组版本 发布日期 链接
2024.8.13 ~ 2024.10.29 v2.0 暂缓开发
2024.3.5 ~ 2024.6.4 v1.2 Next 开发中
2024.3.5 ~ 2024.6.4 v1.1 2024.12.9 下载
2024.3.5 ~ 2024.6.4 v1.0 2024.3.3 [古老版本已删除]



详情请查看Github releases


  • 经典模式
  • 赌怪模式
  • 轮抽选角


内鬼阵营 中立阵营 船员阵营 附加能力 幽灵职业
化形者 幸存者 侠客 恋人 灵魂工程师
狼之主 失忆者 市长 刺客 怨灵
入殓师 打工仔 检察官 分散者
模仿者 乐队主唱 警长 专业刺客
隐蔽者 小丑 捕快 迷乱旋涡
管道工 律师 工程师 绝境者
抹除者 处刑者 星门缔造者 诱饵
吸血鬼 起诉人 保镖 余波
清理者 秃鹫 医生 火炬
炸弹狂 魅魔 侦探 太阳镜
送葬者 末日预言家 牧师 溅血者
逃逸者 身份窃贼 时间之主 通讯兵
术士 纵火狂 老兵 破平者
骗术师 月下狼人 换票师 闪电侠
赏金猎人 鹈鹕 黑客 多线程
恐怖分子 天启 灵媒 巨人
勒索者 隐身人 传送师 小孩
女巫 豺狼 追踪者 Vip
忍者 跟班 告密者 不屈者
悠悠球 巴甫洛夫 卧底 反骨
邪恶的设陷师 巴甫洛夫的狗 保安 管道工程师
肢解者 薛定谔的猫 通灵师 胆小鬼
赌徒 设陷师 窥视者
掷弹兵 预言家 雷达
情报师 执钮人
大神官 变色龙











ZH: 沫夏悠轩、Conscience

EN: 九头蛇


OxygenFilter - For all the versions between v2.3.0 and v2.6.1, we were using the OxygenFilter for automatic deobfuscation
Reactor - The framework used for all versions before v2.0.0
BepInEx - Used to hook to game functions
Essentials - Custom game options by DorCoMaNdO :

  • Before v1.6: We used the default Essentials release
  • v1.6-v1.8: We slightly changed the default Essentials release. The changes can be found on this branch of our fork.
  • v2.0.0 and later: We're no longer using Reactor anymore we are using our own implementation inspired by the one from DorCoMaNdO

Jackal and Sidekick - Original idea for the Jackal and Sidekick came from Dhalucard
Among-Us-Love-Couple-Mod - Idea for the Lovers modifier came from Woodi-dev
Jester - Idea for the Jester role came from Maartii
ExtraRolesAmongUs - Idea for the Engineer and Medic role came from NotHunter101. Also some code snippets from their implementation were used.
Among-Us-Sheriff-Mod - Idea for the Sheriff role came from Woodi-dev
TooManyRolesMods - Idea for the Detective and Time Master roles came from Hardel-DW. Also some code snippets from their implementation were used.
TownOfUs - Idea for the Swapper, Shifter, Arsonist and a similar Mayor role came from Slushiegoose
Ottomated - Idea for the Morphling, Snitch and Camouflager role came from Ottomated
Crowded-Mod - Our implementation for 15+ player lobbies were inspired by the one from the Crowded Mod Team
Goose-Goose-Duck - Idea for the Vulture role came from Slushiegoose
TheEpicRoles - Idea for the first kill shield (partly) and the tabbed option menu (fully + some code), by LaicosVK DasMonschta Nova
Ninja, Thief, Lawyer / Pursuer, Deputy, Portalmaker, Guesser Modifier - Idea: K3ndo ; Developed by Gendelo & Mallöris
PropHunt - Idea and core code by ugackMiner53
Cursed Among Us - Idea by Kyle Smith, core code by XiezibanWrite and SuperNewRoles


TheOtherRolesAU/TheOtherRoles is licensed under theGNU General Public License v3.0Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.