cpwn is a C library which aims to implement all Python pwntools functionality.
Almost all strings in cpwn are handled by a custom dynamic string library for cpwn called str
. The main advantage of str
is that it is binary safe.
str* buffer1 = str_new("This\x00string is terminated by a null char");
str* buffer2 = str_new_raw("String\x00is\x00terminated\x00by\x00length", 30);
printf("%d\n", (int) str_len(buffer1)); // 4
printf("%d\n", (int) str_len(buffer2)); // 30
Just like in pwntools, a Tube works like a general interface to interact with processes or sockets.
// Spawn Python
Tube* p = pwn_process("/usr/bin/python");
// Recieve until prompt with a 1 second timeout
str* recvt = str_new(">>>");
pwn_recvuntil(p, recvt, 1);
// Send a payload to Python prompt
str* payload = str_new("3*(4+3)");
pwn_sendline(p, payload);
// Recieve result
str* res = pwn_recvline(p, 2); // 21\n
// Free str
You can also interact with processes
Tube* p = pwn_process("/usr/bin/sh");
str* r1 = pwn_p64(133333337, "little");
str_print(r1); // Y\x81\xf2\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00
str* r2 = pwn_p32(0xdeaddead, "little");
str_print(r2); // \xad\xde\xad\xde
Elf64 *e = ELF64("./bin")
printf("%s\n", e->endian); // little
printf("%s\n", e->arch); // amd64
printf("0x%lx\n", (uint64_t)symbols(e, "print_flag")); // 0x4030f7
str *r = pwn_elf64_read(e, 1, 4);
str_print(r); // ELF
TODO: Resolve dynamic sections (.plt .got)
#include "includes/cpwn.h"
void narnia0() {
// Spawn process
Tube* p = pwn_process("./narnia0");
str* payload = str_load(
pwn_p64(0xdeadbeef, "little")
// Send payload to process
pwn_sendline(p, payload);
// Spawn an interactive shell