Championship Branch Prediction 2025
The simulator expects a branch predictor to be implemented in the files my_cond_branch_predictor.{h/cc}. The predictor gets statically instantiated. For reference, check sample predictor file: my_cond_branch_predictor.h
To build the simulator:
make clean && make
The simulator interacts with the branch predictor via the following interfaces:
- beginCondDirPredictor - Intended for any predictor initialization steps.
- get_cond_dir_prediction - invoke the predictor to get the prediction of the relevant branch. This is called only for conditional branches.
- spec_update - Intended to help update the predictor's history (GHR/LHIST ..etc.) This is called for all branches right after a prediction is made.
- notify_instr_decode - Called when an instruction is decoded.
- notify_instr_execute_resolve - Called when any instruction is executed.
- notify_instr_commit - Called when any instruction is committed.
- endCondDirPredictor - Called at the end of simulation to allow contestants to dump any additional state.
These interfaces get exercised as the instruction flows through the cpu pipeline, and they provide the contestants with the relevant state available at that pipeline stage. The interfaces are defined in cbp.h and must remain unchanged. The structures exposed via the interfaces are defined in sim_common_structs.h. This includes InstClass, DecodeInfo, ExecuteInfo ..etc.
See cbp.h and for more details.
The simulator comes with CBP2016 winner(64KB Tage-SC-L) as the conditional branch predictor. Contestants may retain the Tage-SC-L and add upto 128KB of additional prediction components, or discard it and use the entire 192KB for their own components. Contestants are also allowed to update tage-sc-l implementation. Contestants are free to update the implementation within as long as they keep the branch predictor interfaces (listed above) untouched. E.g., they can modify the file to combine the predictions from the cbp2016 tage-sc-l and their own developed predictor.
In a processor, it is typical to have a structure that records prediction-time information that can be used later to update the predictor once the branch resolves. In the provided Tage-SC-L implementation, the predictor checkpoints history in an STL map(pred_time_histories) indexed by instruction id to serve this purpose. At update time, the same information is retrieved to update the predictor. For the predictors developed by the contestants, they are free to use a similar approach. The amount of state needed to checkpoint histories will NOT be counted towards the predictor budget. For any questions, contestants are encouraged to email the CBP2025 Organizing Committee.
See Simulator options:
Running the simulator on trace.gz
./cbp trace.gz
Running with periodic misprediction stats at every 1M instr(-E <n>
./cbp -E 1000000 trace.gz
Run make clean && make
to ensure your changes are taken into account.
Sample traces are provided : sample_traces
Script to run all traces and dump a csv is also provided : trace_exec_training_list
Reference results from the training set are included here : reference_results
To run the script, update the trace_folder and results dir inside the script and run:
python --trace_dir sample_traces/ --results_dir sample_results
The script executes all the traces inside the trace directory and creates a directory structure with the logs similar to thr trace-directory with all the logs.
The script also parses all the logs to dump a csv with relevant stats.
Link to Training Set- 105 traces
Contestants can also use 'gdown' do download the traces:
pip install gdown
gdown --folder //
To untar the traces:
tar -xvf foo.tar.xz
Data Dependent Conditional Branch Characterization for the training traces is available. This may be leveraged to pursue interesting directions for the branch predictor design.
STRIDE Prefetcher = 1
Within-pipeline factors:
AGEN latency = 1 cycle
Store Queue (SQ): SQ size = window size, oracle memory disambiguation, store-load forwarding = 1 cycle after store's or load's agen.
* Note: A store searches the L1$ at commit. The store is released
* from the SQ and window, whether it hits or misses. Store misses
* are buffered until the block is allocated and the store is
* performed in the L1$. While buffered, conflicting loads get
* the store's data as they would from the SQ.
I$: 128 KB, 8-way set-assoc., 64B block size
L1$: 128 KB, 8-way set-assoc., 64B block size, 3-cycle search latency
L2$: 4 MB, 8-way set-assoc., 64B block size, 12-cycle search latency
L3$: 32 MB, 16-way set-assoc., 128B block size, 50-cycle search latency
Main Memory: 150-cycle fixed search time
---------------------------STORE QUEUE MEASUREMENTS (Full Simulation i.e. Counts Not Reset When Warmup Ends)---------------------------
Number of loads: 417260
Number of loads that miss in SQ: 239412 (57.38%)
Number of PFs issued to the memory system 5411
------------------------MEMORY HIERARCHY MEASUREMENTS (Full Simulation i.e. Counts Not Reset When Warmup Ends)-------------------------
accesses = 1313295
misses = 44
miss ratio = 0.00%
pf accesses = 0
pf misses = 0
pf miss ratio = -nan%
accesses = 582033
misses = 79
miss ratio = 0.01%
pf accesses = 5411
pf misses = 58
pf miss ratio = 1.07%
accesses = 123
misses = 123
miss ratio = 100.00%
pf accesses = 58
pf misses = 58
pf miss ratio = 100.00%
accesses = 123
misses = 89
miss ratio = 72.36%
pf accesses = 58
pf misses = 28
pf miss ratio = 48.28%
----------------------------------------------Prefetcher (Full Simulation i.e. No Warmup)----------------------------------------------
Num Trainings :417260
Num Prefetches generated :5432
Num Prefetches issued :14837
Num Prefetches filtered by PF queue :52
Num untimely prefetches dropped from PF queue :21
Num prefetches not issued LDST contention :9426
Num prefetches not issued stride 0 :139934
-------------------------------ILP LIMIT STUDY (Full Simulation i.e. Counts Not Reset When Warmup Ends)--------------------------------
instructions = 997741
cycles = 193123
CycWP = 61660
IPC = 5.1663
-----------------------------------------------BRANCH PREDICTION MEASUREMENTS (Full Simulation i.e. Counts Not Reset When Warmup Ends)----------------------------------------------
Type NumBr MispBr mr mpki
CondDirect 111265 1140 1.0246% 0.8680
JumpDirect 26868 0 0.0000% 0.0000
JumpIndirect 1 0 0.0000% 0.0000
JumpReturn 10589 0 0.0000% 0.0000
Not control 1164572 0 0.0000% 0.0000
------------------------------------------------------DIRECT CONDITIONAL BRANCH PREDICTION MEASUREMENTS (Last 10M instructions)-----------------------------------------------------
Instr Cycles IPC NumBr MispBr BrPerCyc MispBrPerCyc MR MPKI CycWP CycWPAvg CycWPPKI
997741 193123 5.1663 111265 1140 0.5761 0.0059 1.0246% 1.1426 61660 54.0877 61.7996
------------------------------------------------------DIRECT CONDITIONAL BRANCH PREDICTION MEASUREMENTS (Last 25M instructions)-----------------------------------------------------
Instr Cycles IPC NumBr MispBr BrPerCyc MispBrPerCyc MR MPKI CycWP CycWPAvg CycWPPKI
997741 193123 5.1663 111265 1140 0.5761 0.0059 1.0246% 1.1426 61660 54.0877 61.7996
---------------------------------------------------------DIRECT CONDITIONAL BRANCH PREDICTION MEASUREMENTS (50 Perc instructions)---------------------------------------------------
Instr Cycles IPC NumBr MispBr BrPerCyc MispBrPerCyc MR MPKI CycWP CycWPAvg CycWPPKI
997741 193123 5.1663 111265 1140 0.5761 0.0059 1.0246% 1.1426 61660 54.0877 61.7996
-------------------------------------DIRECT CONDITIONAL BRANCH PREDICTION MEASUREMENTS (Full Simulation i.e. Counts Not Reset When Warmup Ends)-------------------------------------
Instr Cycles IPC NumBr MispBr BrPerCyc MispBrPerCyc MR MPKI CycWP CycWPAvg CycWPPKI
997741 193123 5.1663 111265 1140 0.5761 0.0059 1.0246% 1.1426 61660 54.0877 61.7996
Read 997741 instrs
python scripts/ --trace_dir ./sample_traces/ --results_dir sample_results
Got 2 traces
Begin processing run:fp/sample_fp_trace
Begin processing run:int/sample_int_trace
Extracting data from : sample_results/fp/sample_fp_trace.log | WL:fp | Run:sample_fp_trace
Extracting data from : sample_results/int/sample_int_trace.log | WL:int | Run:sample_int_trace
Workload Run TraceSize Status ExecTime Instr Cycles IPC NumBr MispBr BrPerCyc MispBrPerCyc MR MPKI CycWP CycWPAvg CycWPPKI 50PercInstr 50PercCycles 50PercIPC 50PercNumBr 50PercMispBr 50PercBrPerCyc 50PercMispBrPerCyc 50PercMR 50PercMPKI 50PercCycWP 50PercCycWPAvg 50PercCycWPPKI
0 fp sample_fp_trace 1.178618 Pass 6.901926040649414 997741 193123 5.1663 111265 1140 0.5761 0.0059 1.0246% 1.1426 61660 54.0877 61.7996 997741 193123 5.1663 111265 1140 0.5761 0.0059 1.0246% 1.1426 61660 54.0877 61.7996
1 int sample_int_trace 1.334165 Pass 5.5803234577178955 997301 338310 2.9479 128874 264 0.3809 0.0008 0.2049% 0.2647 33348 126.3182 33.4382 997301 338310 2.9479 128874 264 0.3809 0.0008 0.2049% 0.2647 33348 126.3182 33.4382
----------------------------------Aggregate Metrics Per Workload Category----------------------------------
WL:fp Branch Misprediction PKI(BrMisPKI) AMean : 1.1426
WL:fp Cycles On Wrong-Path PKI(CycWpPKI) AMean : 61.7996
WL:int Branch Misprediction PKI(BrMisPKI) AMean : 0.2647
WL:int Cycles On Wrong-Path PKI(CycWpPKI) AMean : 33.4382
---------------------------------------------Aggregate Metrics---------------------------------------------
Branch Misprediction PKI(BrMisPKI) AMean : 0.70365
Cycles On Wrong-Path PKI(CycWpPKI) AMean : 47.6189