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configure modules

Michal Sporna edited this page Jul 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

There is a Modules link in top right part of the screen.

Modules are containers for source files detected and uploaded automatically by instrument_client. Modules are required to start a new test session.

What problem does it solve?

Human readable module names are more user friendly when viewing test report than looking at source files (but those are also in the report). Besides, you can gather coverage only for specific modules and skip others.


* you want to test Settings page * you get a bunch of source files from instrument_client * create module named Settings * assign related source files to that module * start new session and select Settings module only * go your testing * LAVA tool gathers test coverage only for sources related to selected modules, skips other files * finish testing * fou know how much of Settings your testing covered

Configure Modules

  1. use instrument_client to upload sources to LAVA (see 'get-the-coverage' page-it's in this wiki)
  2. go to dashboard
  3. click on modules link
  4. left pane is a list of modules - probably empty for now, right pane is a list of source files detected
  5. create modules by clicking on a green button and specify unique module name
  6. once it's created, it will appear in the left pane
  7. select sources you want to assign to that module
  8. select module
  9. click on assign button
  10. if everything goes well-files will dissapear from right pane and appear in the left pane, under chosen module.
  11. you can now select this module when creating a new test session.
  • when you remove module with files in it, files will get unassigned
  • you can unassign file anytime
  • if module has some file, then you upload sources again (next build) and source file is not there anymore, it will automatically be removed from module
  • if you has source file in module and start test session with it, then remove module or unassign file - archived session will still show that file in module or module - removing and unassigning does not affect archived test sessions.
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