Play the game here! 👉
- Name: Mansi Saini
- Title: Candy Clouds
- Time: 30+ hours approximately
✅ Track a high score that persists across scenes and display it in the UI (5)
- high score is on the top right of the screen
✅ Implement the 'FIRE' UI text from the original game (5)
- 'FIRE' UI text is in between score and high score when the player is firing
✅ Add your own (copyright-free) background music to the Play scene (please be mindful of the volume) (5)
- background music was in the play screen
✅ Implement the speed increase that happens after 30 seconds in the original game (5)
- after 30 seconds, the game speeds up
✅ Create a new scrolling tile sprite for the background (5)
- implemented sunset background
✅ Display the time remaining (in seconds) on the screen (10)
- time remaining is visible on bottom left of play screen
✅ Create a new title screen (e.g., new artwork, typography, layout) (10)
- candy clouds home page and controls page to teach player controls
(bonus: added controls and rules pages of game)__
✅ Implement parallax scrolling for the background (10)
- fog moves at a different speed than the clouds and the ground
✅ Create a new enemy Spaceship type (w/ new artwork) that's smaller, moves faster, and is worth more points (15)
- gummy bear is flying so fast on the left
✅ Implement a new timing/scoring mechanism that adds time to the clock for successful hits (15)
- adds 5ish seconds for each successful hit
**(bonus: added an enemy egg that decreases the time left if you hit it - 20 seconds)**
✅ Implement mouse control for player movement and mouse click to fire (15)
- choose mouse control in the controls menu before continuing into the game
credit: to understand how localStorage works
credit: background layer assets credit to from their website, "You can download it absolutely for free and use it in your games for commercial purposes."