You can read the docs on this Git's Wiki, or here
- Windows 10/11
- macOS 10 >=10.10
- Linux (libnotify)
No dependencies are required other than loguru & jeepney (Only for linux/DBUS).
pip install notify-py
Send Simple Notification
from notifypy import Notify
notification = Notify()
notification.title = "Cool Title"
notification.message = "Even cooler message."
Send Notification With Icon
from notifypy import Notify
notification = Notify()
notification.title = "Cool Title"
notification.message = "Even cooler message."
notification.icon = "path/to/icon.png"
Send Notification With Sound
from notifypy import Notify
notification = Notify()
notification.title = "Cool Title"
notification.message = "Even cooler message." = "path/to/audio/file.wav"
Sending Notifications without blocking
from notifypy import Notify
notification = Notify()
Sending with Default Notification Titles/Messages/Icons
from notifypy import Notify
notification = Notify(
default_notification_title="Function Message",
default_application_name="Great Application",
def your_function():
# stuff happening here.
notification.message = "Function Result"
A CLI is available when you install notify-py
notifypy --title --message --applicationName --iconPath --soundPath
You may need to add python3 -m
to the beginning.
As it stands (May 18, 2020), this is simply a notification service. There is no support for embedding custom actions (buttons, dialogs) regardless of platform. Other then telling you if the shell command was sent, there is also no confirmation on user action on the notification.
macOS does not support custom icons on the fly.. You will need to bundle a customized version of the notifier embedded with your custom icon.
- No support for balloon tips (pre Win10).. This will be changed in the future.
- - Ported their Windows 10 toast notification to Python.
Vítor Galvão for
- example_notification_sound.wav
Contributions are welcome!
Please base your changes on the latest development branch and open a PR to that branch. PR will not be accepted to the master branch. Tests are ran against all platforms.
- Install Poetry
poetry install
- Add patches/new features/bug fiexes
- Run tests
poetry run pytest tests/*
- Run lints
poetry run pylint --errors-only notifypy/
- Run Black Formatting
poetry run black notifypy
- Open PR to
branch. - Add your name to contributors list if you wish!