This project is a starting point for everyone wanting to create beautiful websites with barba.js.
It includes following features and packages:
- Compile ES6 to ES5 code with babel (plugin-syntax-dynamic-import and plugin-proposal-class-properties are enabled).
- Compile your scss/sass to css files with dart-sass.
- Prefix automatically your style files with Autoprefixer.
- Lint your style and code files with stylelint and eslint. (Only as a hint for your IDE. There is no "lint" script to use.)
- Watch for changes in your js and css files with webpack and compile them on the fly, or create a production ready build.
- barba.js
- bootstrap
- jquery (Is included because it is a dependency of bootstrap.js features (Tabs, Tooltip...). If you don't plan to use them, you can uninstall it.)
- popper.js (Included for the same reason as jquery)
git clone
cd barba-starter-template
npm install
Watch for changes in your style & code files:
npm run dev
Create a production ready build:
npm run build
This project has been intentionally kept very simple and maybe a bit "old-schoolish". For example it doesn't include a server which reloads when changes are made, because most of the time I work with a MAMP server on my computer and like to reload on my own :-D.
If you have issues or questions, open an issue here on Github or make a pull request.