ZotPad is a Zotero client for accessing Zotero database with iPad or iPhone. The sofware is focused on reading and annotating PDF as well as note taking and tagging.
ZotPad is currently looking for additional developers. If you are interested, please contact developers@zotpad.com. The source code is available under an open source license (GPL 3) and the software is available in the App Store for a small fee.
The project has a UserVoice page for feature requests. Please use the issue tracker only for bugs, and request features here instead
More information can be found on the website
- Prerequisites
Some of the features of ZotPad require closed source software or authentication keys that cannot be distributed through GitHub, but need to be obtained separately. ZotPad project contains three products ZotPad, ZotPad beta, and ZotPad iAnnotate. The ZotPad beta is the only product that can be compiled from a fresh checkout without creating authentication keys or installing third party software. The keys are defined in the file ZotPad/ZPSecrets.h.
The public repository includes the keys for ZotPad beta. New keys can be created at http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/server_api/oauth.
The public repository includes the keys for ZotPad beta. New keys can be created at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps.
The public repository does not include any keys for UserVoice. UserVoice is used for user support and testing of the official builds and is of very little use for third party builds. All versions of ZotPad can be compiled without UserVoice key. Attempting to use the in-app support in a build that does not contain a key results in a harmless error message explaining that UserVoice is not available in that build.
The public repository does not include any keys for TestFlight. TestFlight is used for testing of the official builds and is of very little use for third party builds. All versions of ZotPad can be compiled without TestFlight key.
ZotPad iAnnotate requires a demo version of iAnnotate library. This can be obtained at http://www.branchfire.com/download/demo/.
- Checking out the project
ZotPad can be cloned with the following command
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mronkko/ZotPad.git .
Or if you are using ssh key based authentication, use this command instead
git clone --recursive git@github.com:mronkko/ZotPad.git .
ZotPad has dependencies that have their own dependencies that are not pulled automatically these are configured with the following commands
cd DTCoreText
git submodule init
git submodule update
Finally, the ZPSecrets file needs to be untracked so that any keys that you might add will not be shared with the world.
git update-index --assume-unchanged ZotPad/ZPSecrets.h