5 Scripts for troubleshooting an Azure Linux VMs in bash. This
os-swapdisk.sh ver. 1.1: Script for troubleshooting a VM that has failed boot without deleting VM
diskPerformance.sh ver. 1.0: Script for checking disk performance of attahced disks. echo Disk Performance tests using fio. Required: fio installed Redhat: yum makecache fastcache && yum install fio Centos: yum makecache fastcache && yum install fio Suse: https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Amalcolmlewis%3ASLE_12_General&package=fio Ubuntu: apt-get update && apt-get install fio
cpuPerformanceCheck.sh ver, 2.1: CPU threshold script that, when executed, sleeps until an event causes the top 10 processes in top to exceed the user's predefined threshold. When the threashold is reached or exceeded it startes taking metrics for top, free, and ifconfig (network throughput)
- Script has 2 selections, "execute" which then prompts you for a threshold in % cpu utilization. The second option is "stop" which stops the script.
memPerformanceUsage.sh ver. 2.1: mem uage script that, when executed, sleeps until a process using more memory than provided threshold is detedcted within the top 10 processes.
- Script has 2 selections, "execute" which then prompts you for a threshold in % memory usage. The second option is "stop" which stops the script.
vmPerformance.sh ver. 1.0: Simple script, that when executed simply collects iotop, iostat, top, ps and lsof performance data and outputs log to /opt/performance. Because it is loging to /opt script will need to be run as root. The script will hold a session for the diration of the test.
CpuPerformance.py ver. 1.0: Simple script, that when executed simply collects top, free, and iostat performance data and outputs log to ./[mmddhhmm]-[timezone]-[systemname].performance.out for later analysis.
If Using Linux rather than cloudshell for os-swapdisk.sh It is quicker to run in a docker container on Ubuntu:
How to set up cli in a docker container in ubuntu sudo -i apt-get update && apt-get install docker.io -y alias azcli1=“docker run -it microsoft/azure-cli:0.10.13” azcli1
easiest way to execute os-swapdisk.sh: bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mries/azure/master/os-swapdisk.sh )
Using diskPerformance.sh run this on the affected VM: bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mries/azure/master/diskPerformance.sh )
cpuPerformanceCheck.sh Run this on the affected VM: bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mries/azure/master/cpuPerformanceCheck.sh)
memPerformanceUsage.sh Run this on the affected VM: bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mries/azure/master/memPerformanceUsage.sh)
vmPerformance.sh Run this on the affected VM: bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mries/azure/master/vmPerformance.sh)
-- Note: If executing memPerformanceUsage.sh or cpuPerformanceCheck.sh script remotely the process name will be something similar to bash /dev/fd/63. If you want to find the parent process (for manually killing process) type cat /tmp/memPerformance.pid or cat /tmp/cpuPerformanceCheck.sh