Forked From :
This fork was optimized and used by my file encryption/decryption program.
This header only library provides AES encryption and decryption algorithms.
Compile with C++14 or above for maximum compatibility
Compilation Note: This is a header only library, you
only need to include the "Krypt.hpp"
, no need to
compile the library first, and there's no need to add/link
the .cpp
files of the library to your compilation
flag, see the example below.
Compilation Flags:
Portable - by just including the main headerfile (
), it will use the portable C++ code when compiled, (take note that the portable code is slower than the two alternatives below).-O3
AES-NI - Add the flag below when compiling for x86-64 to gain extream speed-up performance. (commonly for mid ranged PC/Laptops).
-DUSE_AESNI -maes -O3
ARM neon - Add the flag below when compiling for aarch64 armv8 to gain extream speed-up performance. (commonly for modern android devices).
-DUSE_ARM_AES -march=armv8-a+crypto -O3
Sample program:
/* sample.cpp */
#include <iostream>
#include "src/Krypt.hpp"
using namespace Krypt;
int main()
unsigned char plain[] = {
0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,
0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb
// if you want to use AES192 or AES256, just increase the size of the key to
// 24 or 32... the AES class will automatically detect it, it will aslo throw
// an error if the key size is not 16,24 or 32
unsigned char aes128key[16] = {
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f
Mode::ECB<BlockCipher::AES,Padding::ANSI_X9_23> krypt(aes128key,sizeof(aes128key));
ByteArray cipher = krypt.encrypt(plain,sizeof(plain));
ByteArray recover = krypt.decrypt(cipher.array,cipher.length);
compile with [pure c/c++ code] g++ -o sample.exe sample.cpp -O3
comple with [AES-NI] g++ -o sample.exe sample.cpp -D USE_AESNI -maes -O3
comple with [arm-neon] g++ -o sample.exe sample.cpp -D USE_ARM_AES -march=armv8-a+crypto -O3
namespace contains the following :
sub-namespace | sub-namespace classes |
BlockCipher |
Padding |
ZeroNulls , ANSI_X9_23 , ISO_IEC_7816_4 , PKCS_5_7 |
Mode |
Methods of the Classes inside the Mode
Methods of the Classes inside the BlockCipher
Methods of the Classes inside the Padding
The ByteArray
class is used to hold the output of encrypt()/decrypt()
methods of the Mode
classes, and the output of AddPadding()/RemovePadding()
methods of the Padding
classes... ByteArray
methods are listed below :
- returns the size of the byte arrayarray
- returns the byte array pointer[Krypt::Bytes* or unsigned char*
- returns the byte array pointer[Krypt::Bytes* or unsigned char*
], that pointer is then dettached to the instance of the ByteArrayoperator<<
- an overload for the left-shift operatoroperator>>
- an overload for the right-shift operatoroperator[]
- an overload for the bracket operator, use for indexing the array
Run tests
make test_portable make test_aesni make test_neon
Run benchmarks
make bench