Because OpSec systems need love too...
To puppetize a new EC2 instance, run the following commands:
Centos packages:
sudo yum -y install epel-release && sudo yum -y install puppet
Ubuntu packages:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install puppet && sudo puppet agent --enable
Set the hostname of the instances:
sudo echo "myhostname" > /etc/hostname
sudo echo " myhostname.mysubdomain myhostname" >> /etc/hosts
sudo hostname -F /etc/hostname
Bootstrap puppet:
sudo puppet agent --server --onetime --no-daemonize --verbose
A cronjob that runs puppet every 30 minutes will be created in
Clone this repository and all its submodules with:
git clone --recursive
Work in progress must go into the dev
branch. The puppetmaster pull the dev
branch every minute into the dev
environment. You can then run puppet agent
against the dev
environment from your node as follow:
puppet agent --test --environment=dev
Once happy with your changes, submit a pull request against the master
The master branch is made available as the production
(default) environment.
In the node definition in manifests/site.pp
, set the $pin_puppet_env
to dev
node /observer-retriever\ {
$pin_puppet_env = "dev"
include observer::retriever
And run puppet agent --test --environment=dev
to set the pin.
To reset the environment to production, simply unset the pining in site.pp
When including third party modules, it is preferred to insert them as submodules. A submodule can be added with the following command:
** /!\ Note: Only use HTTPS links when adding submodules /!\ **
git submodule add modules/wget
You can pull the latest version of a submodule by calling git pull
from the
submodule directory, or from the root for all submodules with:
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
To remove a submodule, do the following:
git submodule deinit modules/mymodule
git rm --cached modules/mymodule
rm -rf .git/modules/modules/mymodule
git commit -m "removed mymodule" .gitmodules