This document contains instructions for building and testing the MongoSQL compiler
cargo build
from the main directory
For release mode, use cargo build --release
, this will remove debugging support and will optimize
the code.
There are several types of tests for the Rust code: unit tests, fuzz tests, index usage tests, e2e
tests, and spec tests. Each of these test types can be run in isolation. Fuzz tests should always
exist in (sub)modules named fuzz_test
, so this common name is used as a filter for running the
tests. The index usage, e2e, and spec tests are ignored by default via the #[ignore]
but can be run by specifying this directive after cargo test
The Rust handbook has full guidelines
on how to use cargo test
. Below are suggested ways of running the different sets of tests.
All unit tests in the repository.
cargo test -- --skip fuzz_test
from the main directory
Fuzz tests for pretty-printing.
cargo test fuzz_test
from the main directory
Index-usage assertion tests. These tests specify queries and expected index utilization. Requires a running mongod.
cargo test --features=index,generated --package=e2e-tests -- --test-threads=1
from the main directory
End-to-end query tests that do not exist in the spec. These tests specify queries and expected result sets and execute against an actual database. Requires a running mongod.
cargo test --features=e2e,generated --package=e2e-tests -- --test-threads=1
from the main directory
error tests are e2e tests for our errors. These tests specify a SQL query and have an expected error that they should cause. Requires a running mongod.
cargo test --features=error,generated --package=e2e-tests -- --test-threads=1
from the main directory
The query spec tests that specify language behavior. Requires a running mongod.
cargo test --features=query,generated --package=e2e-tests -- --test-threads=1
from the main directory
Our suite of integration tests is automatically created by the
script in
. If you modify this file to add a new version of
MongoDB or to test against different topologies and do not have your editor/IDE
configured to automatically run a check command that builds on save, ensure you
run cargo build --package create-tasks
Ensure you commit the changes to evergreen/suite-tasks.yml
The syntactic rewriter and type-constraint spec tests.
cargo test -- --ignored
from the main directory
cargo test -- --include-ignored
from the main directory
There are two types of tests for the Go code: integration tests and spec tests. The spec tests have been separated out since they are not part of the MongoSQL Go API.
In order to run the integration tests, the Rust code must be built with a special feature.
cargo build --features "mongosql-c/test"
from the main directory. This compiles
in code necessary for the Go tests to pass.
If testing on a Mac using ARM architecture, such as the M1 chip, the following Go environment variables may be required.
export GOOS=darwin
export GOARCH=arm64
export CGO_ENABLED=1
$ cd go/mongosql
$ export*
$ export LIBRARY_PATH=$(cd ../.. && pwd)/target/debug
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(cd ../.. && pwd)/target/debug
$ go test
Replace debug
with release
in paths above to test release builds
go test -tags spectests
You will need a running mongod
on the default port (27017) in order
to run result tests.
To target specific tests, specify the appropriate file and test name:
go test -v -tags spectests -run TestSpecResultSets/filename.yml/Test_name_snake_case
For example, the following test is in mongosql-rs/tests/spec_tests/query_tests/identifier.yml
- description: Unaliased use of field reference expression with $ and .
query: "SELECT * FROM bar WHERE `$a.b` = 4"
current_db: foo
- {'bar': {'_id': 4, '$a.b': 4}}
- To run this test only:
go test -v -tags spectests -run TestSpecResultSets/identifier.yml/Unaliased_use_of_field_reference_expression_with_$_and_.
- To run this file only:
go test -v -tags spectests -run TestSpecResultSets/identifier.yml
Since our visitors are created by a proc_macro that utilizes many macros, it is difficult to figure out what the generated walk and visit rust files look like just by reading the code. To see what the generated rust files look like, run:
cargo build --features debug-visitor-output
This command will generate the visit and walk rust files and put them in subdirectories of the target
directory called <some_enum_or_struct>_visit
and <some_enum_or_struct>_walk
respectively. The
value will be one of the structs or enums that is input to visitgen::generate_visitors! {...}
and will be the same for corresponding visit and walk files.
All are managed by Go modules for Go, and Cargo for Rust
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (