Eco-Memo is a memory card game that allows you to match the Recycling Symbols with the correct, corresponding description.
Due to the fact that I don't have 300 billion dollars to lower carbon emissions, I figured I could do something else to help. I wanted to make something to help people who might have been as confused as I was when I first started to recycle. Sometimes, there are so many symbols and we don't know what is what, so either we end up contaminating the recycling, or we end up throwing everything away and it ends up on a beach somewhere.
Hosted Here
Right now, to play, please fork the repository and clone it down. (Make sure you have sqlite3, rails installed).
Then access the backend, cd
into the ecomemo-backend-api
and run bundle install
and rails:db migrate
. Launch your local host server with rails s
In the Ecomemo-frontend
folder, open index.html
in your browser.
Login to play!
(Click Images for Videos)
Website Layout - Login - Functionality - Start Game
Finish Game - Save Game - Logout
ruby ~> 2.6.1 rails ~> 6.0.2 postgresql Vanilla JS Vanilla CSS HTML
Pull requests are welcome and encouraged! I would love to see what else others can come up with to improve this! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
I would like to make different levels of difficulty as well as different topics!
Huge Thanks to all friends and peers who contributed with suggestions and support.
Flip-Card Tutorial from Marina Ferreira
Additional CSS effects from Bennett Feely, EAH
Cool Alerts by Sweet Alert
Icons from Flaticon
Photos from Unsplash