🌱 I’m currently pursuing B.Tech in CSE at Haldia Institute Of Technology.
👨💻 Check out my projects: memohit.vercel.app
💬 Ask me about C++,DSA, Reactjs, MERN Stack, and Problem Solving
⚡ Fun fact: I love solving coding challenges and participating in hackathons!
STUDYNOTION: Next-Gen Ed-Tech Hub for Seamless Learning
- Developed a platform with 20+ registered users for creating and consuming educational content.
- Implemented JWT-based authentication with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
- Designed a scalable RESTful backend using Node.js and Express.js.
- Optimized backend API with Redis caching, reducing response time by 90%.
- Tech Stack: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Redux, Redis, TailwindCSS
- Live Demo | GitHub Repository
SAFE-REPORT: Crime Reporting & Anonymous Submission Platform
- Built a secure, anonymous crime-reporting system ensuring data privacy.
- Integrated end-to-end encrypted communication between users and authorities.
- Automated jurisdiction-based report routing.
- Tech Stack: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Gemini AI, TailwindCSS
- Live Demo | GitHub Repository
MEDGUARDIAN: Full-stack Smart Medication Reminder & Health Tracker App
- Developed a smart medication tracker ensuring real-time tracking and daily one-time marking.
- Integrated Chart.js for real-time health visualization and automated email reminders.
- Tech Stack: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Redux, TailwindCSS
- Live Demo | GitHub Repository
CodeSync: Real-time code editor collaboration tool. GitHub | Live Demo
- LeetCode Rating: 1558
- Solved 550+ questions across LeetCode, GeeksforGeeks, and Coding Ninjas
- 3rd Position in Codescape Contest (August 2023)
- 3rd Position in Hackathon Hack-Track (January 2023)
- LeetCode Solutions: GitHub
- Wipro TalentNext – Full Stack Development
- Cloud & Digital Launchpad – Pwc
- My Portfolio Website: GitHub | Live Demo
🚀 I turn ideas into reality!
🎯 My Goal: Solve problems, build scalable projects, and learn daily.
💡 "Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad." – Cory House
🚀 Let's collaborate and build something amazing together! Feel free to connect with me.