Sustainable Smart City is a Learning Game. The key goal is to teach the player about current sustainability issues.
This Game is a two-month project within the Game Development Project course at Tallinn University.
- Mohammed Ockba mockba1501 - Creative Director, Project Manager, Game Designer, Developer
- Robin Chmelík Ojin13 - Game Designer, Developer
- Mat Croche mcroche611 - Level Designer, Developer
- Artyom Grigoryan RockArt13 - Narrative Designer, Sound Engineer, Developer
- Vinayak Babu Rao vinayakbaburao - Graphic Designer, Developer
- Moiz Asghar MoizAsghar97 - Developer
- Shireen Imran attendanceManage - Developer
The player will be given the role of an urban city planner set in a present and sort of realistic world. His job is to transform the city into a sustainable city; it will be a turn-based game divided into several levels.
All assets (graphics, sound, and music) are either free placeholders or initially made by the team.
The project aims to reach its pre-alpha by the beginning of December 2022.
There has yet to be an official build of the Game.
The Game aims to be run on PC and Mobile.
The Game developed on Unity 2021.3.11f1