NetTCR-2.2 is a deep learning model used to predict TCR specificity. Like NetTCR-2.1 [1], NetTCR-2.2 uses convolutional neural networks (CNN) to predict whether a given TCR binds a specific peptide.
The scripts in this repository allows for training and testing of models in three different modes, namely pan
, peptide
and pretrained
The pan-specific mode (src/
) allows for training and predictions on multiple different peptides at same time, and can in theory also be used to predict binding for peptides not in the training data, though accuracy may be quite poor for peptides distant to the training peptides.
The peptide-specific mode (src/
) is trained on a single peptide, one at a time, and is thus very similar to the approach in NetTCR 2.1.
The pretrained mode (src/
) uses a combination of the pan- and peptide-specific approaches, by first pre-training on a dataset consisting of multiple different peptides. Following this, the model is trained again on a single peptide, one after the other, producing a peptide-specific model for each peptide in the training data.
The model architectures were built in Keras [2], and are located in src/
NetTCR-2.2 is freely available for academic user for non-commercial purposes (see license). The product is provided free of charge, and, therefore, on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind. Other users: If you plan to use NetTCR-2.2 or any data provided with the script in any for-profit application, you are required to obtain a separate license. To do so, please contact
For licence details refer to academic_software_license_agreement.pdf
The folder data/
contains the data used to train/validate/test NetTCR-2.2. Here, the nettcr_2_2_full_dataset.csv
file consists of the full dataset, which the evaluation was performed on, while nettcr_2_2_limited_dataset.csv
is a limited version of this dataset with potential outliers removed, which was the dataset that the final models were trained on. The positive data was retrieved from IEDB, VDJdb, and 10X genomics datasets. The negative data was generated by mismatching positive TCRs within each partition with other peptides that had a Levenshtein distance of at least 3 from the peptide in question (denoted as peptide_swapped
The redundancy in the dataset was reduced using the Hobohm1 algorithm [3] with a kernel similarity [4] measure and a similarity threshold of 0.95 for the CDR3 sequences. Thus training, validation and test dataset do not share similar TCR sequences (up to 0.95 similarity threshold in terms of CDR3).
In addition to the training data, a set of negative controls from the IMMREP 2022 benchmark [5] is also included under data/negative_controls.csv
. These were used for converting prediction scores into percentile rank scores, by comparing the predictions for binding between peptides and the negative control TCRs, to the TCRs in the test dataset.
The data/leave_most_out
folder contains datasets where the peptides with at least 100 positive observations in nettcr_2_2_limited_dataset.csv
were downsampled to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 and 100 positives, respecively, while keeping a positive to negative ratio of 1:5.
The data/IMMREP
folder contains datasets from the IMMREP 2022 benchmark [5], which was used for comparing NetTCR-2.2 to other models. The observations for each peptide was merged into a single train file (data/IMMREP/train/all_peptides.csv
) and test file (data/IMMREP/test/all_peptides.csv
), and the observation in the train file were randomly partitioned into 5 partitions.
contains the combinations between all peptides and all positive TCRs in the test data, and was used to assess the average rank given by each model.
Finally, a new training dataset (data/IMMREP/train/all_peptides_redundancy_reduced.csv
) was constructed based on the IMMREP 2022 benchmark training, which was subjected to the same redundancy reduction as our primary dataset (nettcr_2_2_full_dataset.csv
), since we observed issues with redundant observations. Additionally, swapped negatives were generated within each partition, rather than across partitions. A new set of redundancy reduced negative controls (95% threshold) was also used for this dataset. The final ratio between positives, swapped negatives and negative controls were the same as the original dataset (1:3:2).
First, ensure that miniconda/anaconda is installed (see
for more info).
Following this, the conda environment for NetTCR-2.2 can be installed by running conda env create -f environment.yml
from the NetTCR-2.2
folder. This will create a conda environment called nettcr_2_2_env
with the necessary dependencies.
To load this environment afterwards, run the command conda activate nettcr_2_2_env
The input datasets should contain the peptide sequences, as well as the sequences of all six CDRs. The columns in the input data should be peptide
, A1
, B1
, B2
, B3
, and the input files should be comma-separated (See data/examples/train_example.csv
as an example). Additionally, the files used for training and validation should have a binary column called binder
, where 1
indicates binding to a TCR, while 0
indicates no binding.
The inputs files for the training scripts are the training dataset and the validation data (which is used for early stopping).
python src/ --train_data data/examples/train_example.csv --val_data data/examples/validation_example.csv --outdir <outdir> --model_name <model_name>
This will generate and save a <model_name>.h5
and <model_name>.tflite
file for the trained model under <outdir>/checkpoint
. The .h5
can be used if the model should be re-trained, whereas the .tflite
file is used for fast predictions.
The other input arguments to the script are --dropout_rate
, --learning_rate
, --patience
, --epochs
, batch_size
, --verbose
, --seed
and --inter_threads
The src/
script can be used to make predictions on TCRs, using one of the trained models.
python src/ --test_data data/examples/test_example.csv --outdir <outdir> --model_name <model_name> --model_type {pan/peptide/pretrained}
This will generate and save a <model_name>_prediction.csv
file with the predictions, which is saved in the specified output directory.
The folder models
contains the final models from the NetTCR 2.2 publication (currently unpublished), along with the predictions used in the publication (cv_pred_df.csv
). Additionaly, a negative_controls
is included, which contains the predictions on the negative controls from the IMMREP 2022 benchmark [5], which is used for assigning a percentile rank to each observation.
The models in this folder can be used for predictions in the same way as the models trained by the user. Example:
python src/ --test_data data/examples/test_example.csv --outdir models/nettcr_2_2_peptide --model_name "t.1.v.2" --model_type peptide
The NetTCR-2.2 pre-trained models are also available for predictions on
Alternatively, the src/
script can be used to locally make predictions similar to the ones found on the webserver. An example of such use is shown below:
python $github_dir/src/ -d $github_dir -i $github_dir/data/small_example.csv -o $github_dir/output -a 10
A short description of the relevant input arguments are shown below:
: Full path to the input directory (e.g. the location where this GitHub repository has been downloaded to).-i
: Full path to the input data. The columns in the input data should bepeptide
, and the input files should be comma-separated-(Seedata/small_example.csv
as an example).-o
: Full path to the output directory, where the predictions and intermediate files are saved to.-a
: Scaling factor for TCRbase integration (default = 10).
Mathias Fynbo Jensen, Morten Nielsen (2024) Enhancing TCR specificity predictions by combined pan- and peptide-specific training, loss-scaling, and sequence similarity integration eLife 12:RP93934.
[1] Montemurro, Alessandro, et al. "NetTCR-2.1: Lessons and guidance on how to develop models for TCR specificity predictions." Frontiers in Immunology Volume 13 (2022).
[2] Chollet, François, et al. (2015) "Keras"
[3] Hobohm, Uwe, et al. "Selection of representative protein data sets." Protein Science 1.3 (1992): 409-417.
[4] Shen, Wen-Jun, et al. "Towards a mathematical foundation of immunology and amino acid chains." arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.6031 (2012).
[5] Meysman, Peter, et al. "Benchmarking solutions to the T-cell receptor epitope prediction problem: IMMREP22 workshop report." ImmunoInformatics Volume 9 (2023).