(still work in progress)
- python
- python-virtualenv
- libpq-dev (postgresql developer libs)
- python-serial (if using Pi Shield)
- wiringpi (if using Pi Shield)
- libffi-dev (for lcd display support)
- i2c-tools (for lcd display support)
- Raspberry Pi Model B
- RS485:
- DIGITUS USB - Seriell Adapter (RS485) DA-70157 or
- JOY-iT Raspberry Pi Shield (RS485) RB-RS485
- GS05 QIS ODL-devices of the german Federal Office for Radiation Protection
- optional Display: JOY-iT SBC-LCD16X2
- optional: Temperatur-Sensor: JOY-iT LinkerKit Temp2 (http://www.linkerkit.de/index.php?title=LK-Temp2)
Copy config.ini.example to config.ini to have a initial configuration.
Device the probe is connected to. E.g. /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyAMA0 (for Pi Shield RS485) or /dev/ttyUSB0 (for USB-Adapter)
Key sent to request collected data from the probe
Custom string to set the id of the probe, e.g. 1234Q, because the probes do not have an identifier in there sent data.
1 to activate LCD support, empty for OFF
Linenumber on the LCD display the measured values will be sent to. E.g. 2
Linenumber on the LCD display a timestamp will be sent to. E.g. 1. Empty if no timestamp shall be displayed (e.g. if a second device uses line 1.)
Configure the data request
FIXME "receivekey should be moved to here"
Seconds to wait for next data request. E.g. 60
Number of duplicate Lines sent by the probe on data request. E.g. 3. this is used to detect transmission errors.
Which DB backend to use. Supported: sqlite, postgresql
SQLite connection string e.g. sqlite:///records.sqlite
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mlechner/gs05-python.git
cd gs05-python
# adapt config.ini to your needs
cp config.ini.example config.ini
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
# for lcd display support
pip install smbus-cffi
# mandatory steps
pip install .
python run.py
- add more getter functions to class Records
- add Tests
- add package dependencies for optional functionalities
- lcd
- lk-temp2