L1: Tensor Studio - a more practical continuation of the ideas presented in Moniel.
Human-friendly declarative dataflow notation for computational graphs. See video.
Moniel.dmg (77MB)
$ git clone https://github.com/mlajtos/moniel.git
$ cd moniel
$ npm install
$ npm start
Moniel is one of many attempts at creating a notation for deep learning models leveraging graph thinking. Instead of defining computation as list of formulea, we define the model as a declarative dataflow graph. It is not a programming language, just a convenient notation. (Which will be executable. Wanna help?)
Note: Proper syntax highlighting is not available here on GitHub. Use the application for the best experience.
Let's start with nothing, i.e. comments:
// This is line comment.
This is block
Node can be created by stating its type:
You don't have to write full name of a type. Use acronym that fits you! These are all equivalent:
LocalResponseNormalization // canonical, but too long
LocRespNorm // weird, but why not?
LRN // cryptic for beginners, enough for others
Nodes connect with other nodes with an arrow:
Sigmoid -> MaxPooling
There can be chain of any length:
LRN -> Sigm -> BatchNorm -> ReLU -> Tanh -> MP -> Conv -> BN -> ELU
Also, there can be multiple chains:
ReLU -> BN
LRN -> Conv -> MP
Sigm -> Tanh
Nodes can have identifiers:
Identifiers let's you refer to nodes that are used more than once:
// inefficient declaration of matrix-matrix multiplication
matrix1 -> mm
matrix2 -> mm
However, this can be rewritten without identifiers using list:
[Tensor,Tensor] -> MatMul
Lists let's you easily declare multi-connection:
// Maximum of 3 random numbers
[Random,Random,Random] -> Maximum
List-to-list connections are sometimes really handy:
// Range of 3 random numbers
[Rand,Rand,Rand] -> [Max,Min] -> Sub -> Abs
Nodes can take named attributes that modify their behavior:
Fill(shape = 10x10x10, value = 1.0)
Attribute names can also be shortened:
Defining large graphs without proper structuring is unmanageable. Metanodes can help:
RandomNormal(shape=784x1000) -> weights:Variable
weights -> dp:DotProduct -> act:ReLU
Tensor -> layer/dp // feed input into the DotProduct of the "layer" metanode
layer/act -> Softmax // feed output of the "layer" metanode into another node
Metanodes are more powerful when they define proper Input-Output boundary:
RandomNormal(shape=784x1000) -> weigths:Variable
[in:Input,weigths] -> DotProduct -> ReLU -> out:Output
RandomNormal(shape=1000x10) -> weigths:Variable
[in:Input,weigths] -> DotProduct -> ReLU -> out:Output
// connect metanodes directly
layer1 -> layer2
Alternatively, you can use inline metanodes:
In -> layer:{[In,Tensor] -> Conv -> Out} -> Out
Or you don't need to give it a name:
In -> {[In,Tensor] -> Conv -> Out} -> Out
If metanodes have identical structure, we can create a reusable metanode and use it as a normal node:
+ReusableLayer(shape = 1x1){
RandN(shape = shape) -> w:Var
[in:In,w] -> DP -> RLU -> out:Out
RL(s = 784x1000) -> RL(s = 1000x10)
- Piotr Migdał: Simple Diagrams of Convoluted Neural Networks - great summary on visualizing ML architectures
- Lobe (video) – "Build, train, and ship custom deep learning models using a simple visual interface."
- Serrano – "A graph computation framework with Accelerate and Metal support."
- Subgraphs – "Subgraphs is a visual IDE for developing computational graphs."
- 💀Machine – "Machine is a machine learning IDE."
- PyTorch – "Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration."
- Sonnet – "Sonnet is a library built on top of TensorFlow for building complex neural networks."
- TensorGraph – "TensorGraph is a framework for building any imaginable models based on TensorFlow"
- nngraph – "graphical computation for nn library in Torch"
- DNNGraph – "a deep neural network model generation DSL in Haskell"
- NNVM – "Intermediate Computational Graph Representation for Deep Learning Systems"
- DeepRosetta – "An universal deep learning models conversor"
- TensorBuilder – "a functional fluent immutable API based on the Builder Pattern"
- Keras – "minimalist, highly modular neural networks library"
- PrettyTensor – "a high level builder API"
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