This is a port of the popular ROS driver called xv_11_laser_driver
This is a port so most credit goes to original developers. Please see ROS version here:
Place this repository in your colcon_ws workspace
cd ~/colcon_ws/src
git clone <this-repository>
cd ..
colcon build
Once it has been made and registered by sourcing it to your environment you may run it as follows
The following ROS2 parameters are defaulted as below and can be set using parameters
port /dev/tty_xv11_driver
baud_rate 115200
frame_id neato_laser
firmware_version 2
Run the driver and it should generate scan data on topic /scan
ros2 run xv_11_driver xv_11_driver
Run the driver using a different frame_id
ros2 run xv_11_driver xv_11_driver --ros-args -p frame_id:=xv11_scan
If all goes well this will produce messages of type LaserScan on topic /scan