オミクスプロジェクトに関連するutility modulesのためのrepository
- READMEのある階層に.pyは置かない.
- 小さいものでも必ずdirectoryを作り, その中に__init__.pyを置いて作る.
- Authorsには適宜自分の名前を追加.
This repository is under construction and will be officially released by Mizuno group.
Please contact tadahaya[at]gmail.com before publishing your paper using the contents of this repository.
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── module_1 <- A utility module.
├── module_2 <- A utility module.
- [自身の名前](自身のgithub repository)
- Tadahaya Mizuno
- correspondence
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to create an issue on github here, or email us:
- tadahaya[at]gmail.com
- lead contact