Calculating statistical power using simr and public datasets
This is the code for a project about calculating statistical power using simr and public datasets. This was created for masked priming lexical decision task experiments investigating small effect sizes, and an explanation of the project can be found here:
The code includes examples of how to use simr to calculate power for different levels of items and participants, as well as functions to find and change the effect size in the dataset.
simr was created by Peter Green and Catriona J. MacLeod, and the citation for the package can be found here: Green, P., & MacLeod, C. J. (2016). simr: An R package for power analysis of generalized linear mixed models by simulation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(4), 493–498.
The data used in this project are from a masked priming lexical decision task experiment investigating the effect of case alternation on word recognition. The citation can be found here: Perea, M., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Gomez, P. (2015). Resolving the locus of cAsE aLtErNaTiOn effects in visual word recognition: Evidence from masked priming. Cognition, 142, 39–43.