This project is a Book Management API built using the Java Spring Boot framework. It interacts with an in-memory H2 database and utilizes the JDBC Template API for database operations as per the given task requirements.
The task involves creating a RESTful API with the following functionalities:
- List All Books: Returns a list of all books sorted in reverse alphabetical order by the book title.
- Add a New Book: Adds a new book to the database.
- List Books Grouped by Author: Returns a list of all books grouped by author.
- Find Top Authors by Character Occurrence: Returns a list of authors with the highest occurrences of a given character in their book titles.
The project follows a standard Spring Boot structure:
- List All Books by Title in Descending Order:
GET /list-ordered/title/desc
- Add a New Book:
POST /add
- List Books Grouped by Author:
GET /list/author
- Find Top Authors by Character Occurrence:
GET /list/author-book-symbol-count
The project uses an in-memory H2 database. The schema and initial data are defined as follows:
title VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,
author VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,
description VARCHAR(150),
INSERT INTO book (id, title, author, description) VALUES (1, 'Crime and Punishment', 'F. Dostoevsky', NULL);
INSERT INTO book (id, title, author, description) VALUES (2, 'Anna Karenina', 'L. Tolstoy', NULL);
INSERT INTO book (id, title, author, description) VALUES (3, 'The Brothers Karamazov', 'F. Dostoevsky', NULL);
INSERT INTO book (id, title, author, description) VALUES (4, 'War and Peace', 'L. Tolstoy', NULL);
INSERT INTO book (id, title, author, description) VALUES (5, 'Dead Souls', 'N. Gogol', NULL);
To build and run the project, use the following commands:
./gradlew build
./gradlew bootRun
- Java Spring Boot
- Spring JDBC Template
- H2 Database
- Gradle
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For more details, please visit the GitHub repository.