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This is a Spring Boot application, written in Kotlin, providing visit allocation services. Used by the Visits team.


To build the project (without tests):

./gradlew clean build -x test



./gradlew test 


The hmpps-visit-allocation-api uses the deployed dev environment to connect to most of the required services, with the exception of the visit-allocation-db and localstack (for AWS SNS/SQS services locally).

To run the hmpps-visit-allocation-api, first start the required local services using docker-compose.

docker-compose up -d

Next create a .env file at the project root and add 2 secrets to it

SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID="get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET"get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"

Then create a Spring Boot run configuration with active profile of 'dev' and set an environments file to the .env file we just created. Run the service in your chosen IDE.


Service Port
hmpps-visit-allocation-api 8079
visit-allocation-db 5445
localstack 4566

Populating local Db with data


Auth token retrieval

To create a Token via curl (local):

curl --location --request POST "" --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n {Client}:{ClientSecret} | base64)"

or via postman collection using the following authorisation urls:

Grant type: Client Credentials
Access Token URL:
Client ID: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Secret: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Authentication: "Send as Basic Auth Header"

Call info endpoint:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8079/info' -i -X GET

Send event notifications locally (AWS SNS, SQS / LocalStack)

To help test notification events locally we can send events to localstack to replicate what NOMIS would do.

Step 1 - Start visit-allocation-api service locally

Follow steps for set-up / running at top of README

Step 2 - Install awscli (if not already installed)

brew install awscli

Step 3 - configure aws with dummy values (if not already configured)

aws configure

Put any dummy value for AWS_ACCESS_KEY=test and AWS_SECRET_KEY=test and eu-west-2 as default region. The queueName is the value of hmpps.sqs.queues.prisonvisitsallocationevents.queueName on the application-.yml file. So the queue URL should be - http://localhost:4566/000000000000/{queueName}

Step 4 - Send a message to the queue. The below is a prisoner.conviction-status-updated event for prisoner A8713DY.

aws sqs send-message \
  --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \
  --queue-url=http://localhost:4566/000000000000/sqs_hmpps_visits_allocation_events_queue \
  --message-body \
    '{"Type":"Notification", "Message": "{\"eventType\": \"prisoner-offender-search.prisoner.convicted-status-changed\", \"additionalInformation\": {\"nomsNumber\": \"A8713DY\", \"convictedStatus\": \"Convicted\"}}", "MessageId": "123"}'

If you are unsure about the queue name you can check the queue names using the following command and replace it in the above --queue-url value parameter

aws sqs list-queues --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566

to check messages on the actual queues on localstack (queue and dead-letter queue), visit the following URL.[…]000000000000/sqs_hmpps_visits_allocation_events_queue[…]6/000000000000/sqs_hmpps_visits_allocation_events_dlq

Periodic Visit allocation cronjob

The endpoint to allocate visit allocations for active prisons is triggered by a Kubernetes Cronjob that is configured to run once a day.

The endpoint is protected from being called externally, so it is not possible to call the endpoint directly. Only the Cronjob can call the endpoint.

So to manually trigger the periodic visit allocation, we just trigger the Cronjob

Below is an example to trigger the cronjob manually -

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/hmpps-visit-allocation-api-allocate-visit-orders-job <job-name> -n <namespace>


A service to calculate visit allocations




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