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CircleCI API docs

Continuous Integration


  • Java JDK 21
  • An editor/IDE
  • Gradle
  • Docker
  • OAuth token

What it does

Listens to events from Delius, calculates a new offender tier and writes it back into Delius

Integration points:

How to run the app locally

OAuth security

In order to run the service locally you need to add HMPPS auth token to your requests

How to start locally

Against AWS

Make sure you have the necessary Access key and secret set as environment variables. You can do that by running this command before starting the app

eval $(cloud-platform decode-secret -n hmpps-tier-dev -s hmpps-tier-offender-events-sqs-instance-output --export-aws-credentials)

This uses SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev which has an in-memory database.

./gradlew bootRun
Against all local dependencies in docker

This will bring up community-api, assessments-api and all the required queues and topics. The seed data will allow a successful tier calculation for CRN X320741. Make sure you have allocated enough memory to Docker to allow it to start all these containers - 2GB may not be enough

docker compose up -d

Run the HmppsTier application with SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev,localstack,docker If you want to write the tier back into community-api, also run hmpps-tier-to-delius-update locally

Localstack has SQS and SNS. The queue and topic are set up and populated in You can access them from the command line as per the following example

Force a local tier calculation by calling the /calculations API

curl --json '["A123456"]' 'http://localhost:8080/calculations?dryRun=false'

View the tier calculation complete event:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret aws sqs receive-message --queue-url http://localhost:4576/queue/Digital-Prison-Services-dev-hmpps_tier_calculation_complete_queue --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4576

Build service and run tests

testing and code coverage

Run lint and test

The integration and cucumber tests need localstack running

docker compose up localstack postgres -d
./gradlew check

This runs tests and generate a coverage report in build/reports/coverage/index.html


You cannot run cucumber tests directly from IntelliJ. See gradle/gradle#4773 Instead run

docker compose up localstack postgres -d
./gradlew cucumber

If you want to run a single feature/scenario, tag it @single and add this to the cucumber task definition in build.gradle.kts

args("--include-tag", "single")

Additional configuration

The application is configurable with conventional Spring parameters.
The Spring documentation can be found here:

Default port

By default, the application starts on port '8080'. To override, set server.port (e.g. SERVER_PORT=8099 java -jar build/libs/csr-api-<yyyy-mm-dd>.jar )


The generated documentation for the api can be viewed at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html


  • /ping: will respond pong to all requests. This should be used by dependent systems to check connectivity to
    csr-api, rather than calling the /health endpoint.
  • /health: provides information about the application health and its dependencies. This should only be used
    by csr-api health monitoring (e.g. pager duty) and not other systems who wish to find out the
    state of csr-api.
  • /info: provides information about the version of deployed application.

Health and info Endpoints (curl)

Application info
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/info  
Application health
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/health  
Application ping
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ping