The hmpps-learner-records-api retrieves Unique Learner Number (ULN) and Personal Learning Record (PLR) for matching individuals from the Learning Records Service (LRS) data held by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (EFSA) at Department for Education (DfE).
This repository has been generated from
This service is available at:
- Local: http://localhost:8080/
- Dev:
- UAT:
- Preprod: tbc
- Prod: tbc
The service provides the following endpoints to consumers.
GET /match/:nomisId
- Search for a learner's ULN via their NOMIS IDPOST /match/:nomisId
- Confirm a match between a learner's NOMIS ID and ULNPOST /learners
- Search for a learner's ULN via their demographic dataPOST /learner-events
- Request a learner's learning record via their ULN
This endpoint is to search for a ULN given a NOMIS ID. The response will be OK (200) with the ULN if a match exists and NOT_FOUND (404) if there is no match.
Example response body:
"matchedUln": "1234567890",
"givenName": "Charlie",
"familyName": "Brown",
"dateOfBirth": "2022-01-01",
"gender": "MALE",
"status": "Found"
In the response body, the status
will have one of the following values
ax explained below.
= A match has been found forid
and ULN is inmatchedUln
= No match has been found forid
cannot be matched
Response codes:
- 200 - Success
- 400 - Bad Request, malformed inputs
- 401 - Unauthorised
- 403 - Forbidden
- 404 - Not found
This endpoint is to confirm a match between a learner's NOMIS ID and ULN.
The match will be saved as a MatchEntity
in the database.
Example request body:
"matchingUln": "1234567890",
"givenName": "John",
"familyName": "Smith",
// the below are optional
"dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
"gender": "MALE"
Response codes:
- 201 - Created
- 400 - Bad Request, malformed ULN or json body.
- 401 - Unauthorised
- 403 - Forbidden
- 500 - Likely that database is unreachable
This endpoint is to search for learners by their demographic information. The search may yield varied results depending on the accuracy of the demographic information and the DfE data available:
- No match
- Too many matches
- Possible matches
- Exact match
- Linked Learner Found
Assuming a successful search, the response should contain a ULN for each learner found. This ULN may be used on the/learner-events
endpoint to retrieve their respective PLRs.
Example request body:
"givenName": "Darcie",
"familyName": "Tucker",
"dateOfBirth": "1976-08-16",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"lastKnownPostCode": "CV49EE",
// below are optional fields
"previousFamilyName": "CAMPBELL",
"schoolAtAge16": "Mill Hill School Foundation ",
"placeOfBirth": "Blean ",
"emailAddress": ""
Example response body:
"searchParameters": {
"givenName": "Darcie",
"familyName": "Tucker",
"dateOfBirth": "1976-08-16",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"lastKnownPostcode": "CV49EE"
"responseType": "Exact Match",
"matchedLearners": [
"createdDate": "2012-05-25",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2012-05-25",
"uln": "1026893096",
"versionNumber": "1",
"title": "Mrs",
"givenName": "Darcie",
"middleOtherName": "Isla",
"familyName": "Tucker",
"preferredGivenName": "Darcie",
"previousFamilyName": "CAMPBELL",
"familyNameAtAge16": "TUCKER",
"schoolAtAge16": "Mill Hill School Foundation ",
"lastKnownAddressLine1": "1 JOBS LANE",
"lastKnownAddressTown": "COVENTRY",
"lastKnownAddressCountyOrCity": "WEST MIDLANDS",
"lastKnownPostCode": "CV4 9EE",
"dateOfAddressCapture": "2009-04-25",
"dateOfBirth": "1976-08-16",
"placeOfBirth": "Blean ",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"emailAddress": "",
"scottishCandidateNumber": "845759406",
"abilityToShare": "1",
"learnerStatus": "1",
"verificationType": "1",
"tierLevel": "0"
Response codes:
- 200 - Success
- 400 - Bad Request, malformed inputs
- 401 - Unauthorised
- 403 - Forbidden
This endpoint is used to request a learner's learning events (or Personal Learning Record [PLR]) by their Unique Learner Number (ULN).
Generally when using a valid ULN there should be no issues with this request, but there are a few possible responses.
- Exact Match
- Linked Learner Match
- Learner opted to not share data
- Learner could not be verified
Example request body:
"givenName": "Sean",
"familyName": "Findlay",
"uln": "1174112637",
// below are optional fields
"dateOfBirth": "1980-11-01",
"gender": "MALE"
Example response body:
"searchParameters": {
"givenName": "Sean",
"familyName": "Findlay",
"uln": "1174112637",
"dateOfBirth": "1980-11-01",
"gender": "MALE"
"responseType": "Exact Match",
"foundUln": "1174112637",
"incomingUln": "1174112637",
"learnerRecord": [
"id": "2931",
"achievementProviderUkprn": "10030488",
"achievementProviderName": "LUTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH",
"awardingOrganisationName": "UNKNOWN",
"qualificationType": "GCSE",
"subjectCode": "50079116",
"achievementAwardDate": "2011-10-24",
"credits": "0",
"source": "ILR",
"dateLoaded": "2012-05-31 16:47:04",
"underDataChallenge": "N",
"level": "",
"status": "F",
"subject": "GCSE in English Literature",
"grade": "9999999999",
"awardingOrganisationUkprn": "UNKNWN",
"collectionType": "W",
"returnNumber": "02",
"participationStartDate": "2011-10-02",
"participationEndDate": "2011-10-24"
Response codes:
- 200 - Success
- 400 - Bad Request, malformed inputs
- 401 - Unauthorised
- 403 - Forbidden
OpenAPI documentation is available at:
- Local: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
- Dev:
- UAT:
- Preprod: tbc
- Prod: tbc
The hmpps-learner-records-api requires consumer services to identify their users when connecting to our service.
Where possible when making a request you should identify the user (not the service) in the custom header X-Username
The value should be a unique identifier for the user, either a name or an email address.
Example header
"X-Username": ""
The hmpps-learner-records-api requires bearer authorization.
The tokens for authenticating with this service need to be requested from hmpps-auth via a basic
authentication, citing your service's client id and client secret.
You should ensure your service has the appropriate roles present to access this service.
Example header
"Authorization": "bearer <token>"
The hmpps-learner-records-api is generally run via docker so ensure you have docker or docker desktop installed and running.
When run on local developer machines there are two profiles available to run with that include varying levels of supporting services.
This will set up all services required to access the API as local instances and will ensure connections between those within the docker container. There should be no external connections made.
Services run:
- HMPPS-Auth (for authentication)
- Wiremock API (for LRS)
- hmpps-learner-records-api (this service)
Running in the development profile will only spin up the hmpps-learner-records-api and make connections to the dev environment hosted versions of hmpps-auth and the DfE LRS environment.
Services run:
- hmpps-learner-records-api (this service)
Secrets are stored in the .env file for Local .env.local
and Development .env.development
Ask a member of the Development team for the values for these fields place it in the root project directory.
In order to make a connection to the LRS Development environment (achieved when using the development
profile) you will require the relevant certificate.
Reach out to the development team if you don't have this. Once downloaded, add the WebServiceClientCert.pfx
to the project root directory.
Uncomment this line in the Dockerfile when running locally:
COPY WebServiceClientCert.pfx /app/WebServiceClientCert.pfx
Use the docker compose file to start the services including your chosen profile.
docker-compose down
docker-compose --profile=<local/development> --env-file .env.<dev/local> up --build
docker-compose --profile=local --env-file .env.local up --build
docker-compose --profile=development --env-file .env.development up --build
To run the service in IntelliJ, add the following line to your hosts
(located in /etc/
on a Mac) and restart your machine. localstack-sqs
Make sure all containers are running except hmpps-learner-records-api
Add the following lines to .env.local
Finally modify the run configuration for the main class so that
it uses .env.local
for environment variables.
Ensure no docker services are running as there may be port collisions.
Open a terminal either in IntelliJ or in a separate window, ensuring you are in the repo directory.
Either ensure that you have set the environment variables above or if you would prefer not to set them, you can prefix the command with the following:
Run the following command:
./gradlew test
If you encounter issues, make sure gradle is set up properly in IntelliJ for this project.
First, right-click the test
package and select run ‘Tests in ‘hmpps-temp…’
This will run tests, and you will notice they will fail.
Next, in the top right corner of IntelliJ, to the left of the green play button, click the dropdown and then select Edit Configurations
Select the ‘hmpps-learner-records-api.test’ configuration, ensure that Run
is populated with :test
, the gradle project is hmpps-learner-records-api
and the environment variables, mentioned above, are also set here. Click Apply
then OK
Again, right click the test
package and select `run ‘Tests in ‘hmpps-temp…’ - They should now be running in IntelliJ.
Other steps may be required to enable debugging within IntelliJ.