Web application using spotify API to search for artists Hosted on: https://spotify-search-artist.web.app
git clone https://github.com/mina4gerges/spotify-search-artist.git
Go to the directory spotify-search-artist and hit npm install to install the dependencies
Sign in/up and create a new application to get a CLIENT_ID and a SECRET_ID
The ids (CLIENT_ID and SECRET_ID) will be used in the project to get access to Spotify API
Click Edit Setting in Spotify dashboard to set the website name and Redirect URIs inputs. For now, we will use localhost:3000 for website name and localhost:3000/artists for Redirect URIs (if the port is 3000 if not please put your port number)
Set CLIENT_ID and SECRET_ID in /src/constant/spotify.js
Hit npm start to run the application
Congrats 🎉 The app is running now
Node version: 14.15.0
Npm version: 6.14.11
Read and understand requirements + Set a plan Read and understand spotify API Development Testing Total 4h 2h 21h 4h 31h