Releases: mietechnologies/MieMCServer
In v1.4.0, we added the ability to install and run a modded server using Forge.
Please note that the Eternals API team will not allow us to access their API, so you will have to designate the targeted version of Minecraft and Forge client as well as supply a compressed archive of the server pack's files (you can find this information and a link to download the server pack on the desired modpack's profile page).
It should also be noted that there is currently no way to install updates to the server files (this will be added in a later release). You can update quasi-automatically by removing the /src/server
directory and generating a new config.yml
file by issuing the python3 -gc
command, then copying the world
directory from an archived backup to restore your world.
[1.4.0] - 2022.11.25
- During installation, the user can now declare that they want to install a modded server using Forge. Please note that the Eternals API team will not allow us to access their API, so the user will have to designate the targeted version of Minecraft and Forge client as well as supply a compressed archive of the server pack's files (the user can find this information and a link to download the server pack on the desired modpack's profile page). It should also be noted that there is currently no way to install updates to the server files (this will be added in v1.4.1). The user can update quasi-automatically by removing the /src/server directory and generating a new config.yml file by issuing the python3 -gc command, then copying the world directory from an archived backup to restore the user's world.
In v1.3.0, we added convenience functionality to install data packs (via the -dp
argument) as well as the ability to run custom scripts. We also added features to improve the potential uptime of the server.
[1.3.0] - 2022.11.24
- The user can now install a datapack using the '-dp {path}' command where path is the absolute path to a zip or directory.
- This functionality handles singular compressed (zip) datapacks, a directory with an uncompressed datapack, and a directory that contains multiple compressed datapacks.
- Automatic installation of pip3 and required pip packages to run project when running the project for the first time.
- The user can now designate custom scripts to be ran at start, stop, or clean via ./scripts/
Server startup monitor to determine if the server was started successfully.
- During configuration, the project now fetches the system's total available RAM to intelligently decide what warnings it should display to the user and suggest an appropriate amount of allocated RAM.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing automatic startup scripts from running.
In v1.2.0, we added additional command-line capability along with the ability to execute a custom shell script. We also added several ease-of-use automations and enhanced password security.
Due to the password security enhancements, this release contains breaking changes if you have previously configured email settings. Before updating, please stop any currently running Minecraft server and adhere to the following steps:
- Update to the latest release of MIE-MCServer
- Run
python -uc email
to update your email settings. The prompt will request that you enter your password. (You can use the same password, but it must be reentered.)
[1.2.0] - 2022.02.11
- Functionality that allows user to schedule, start, or stop maintenance on their Minecraft server or hosting system.
- The ability to run the user's own custom shell scripts placed in
. - The user now has the ability to configure settings to post messages into their Discord server.
- When the system runs into an unhandled error it will now post a message to a Discord server if configured.
- The user can now open a command-line-like session with '-c' (with no argument) to issue a series of server commands.
- The project now asks for and stores the server address during configuration to use in conjuction with RCON.
- Functionality to automatically sign Minecraft's EULA upon user acceptance.
- The user can now update a setting collection with '-uc'.
- The reboot process now issues a statement to the players on the server informing them that the server will be saved and stopped in 30 seconds for the server to restart. After the server is stopped, the system will wait for 60 seconds before rebooting.
- When restarting the server, the project would start as if running on a RaspberryPi and start services specific to that system that were causing system errors and generating an egregious number of emails.
- Any passwords stored within the config are now encrypted.
- It is not recommended that the user update any password manually via the config file.
- Password input is now hidden during setup.
In v1.1.2, we improved the functionality of emailing and automatic end trimming.
[1.1.2] - 2022.01.27
- An issue with the Emailer preventing it from sending emails as expected
- Unknown to us, Paper servers split entity, poi, and region data for the end regions into separate directories. Previously, we were only removing region data for the /region directory. Now, we remove region data for all subdirectories in the /server/world_the_end/DIM1/ directory.
As of v1.1.1, the MIE-MCServer project now automatically detects your system username for use in the application.
[1.1.1] - 2022.01.27
- Added automatic fetching of the system username for use in CronTab so that we do not have to ask the user for it and allow for automatic cron job scheduling.
As of version 1.1.0, the MIE-MCServer project is now compatible with Raspberry Pi's.
[1.1.0] - 2021.12.27
- Added GitHub templates for pull request and pull request review.
- Rewrote README with the goal of making the workflow of this project clear to future developers.
- Merged MinePi project (custom functionality for running this project on Raspberry Pi). When running this project on a Raspberry Pi, the project now monitors the system's CPU temperature and shuts down if it detects a critical event.