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Updated strings from microsoft/vscode-loc-drop@b938a5eb78aeb2ad35d301…
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vscode committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent 6d19b4a commit 7155d98
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Showing 26 changed files with 211 additions and 211 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Potlačí sémantické chyby na webu, i když je povolená funkce IntelliSense pro celý projekt. Je vždy zapnuté, když funkce IntelliSense není povolená pro celý projekt nebo není dostupná. Viz #typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#",
"configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Povolit/zakázat získávání balíčků na webu. Povolí IntelliSense pro importované balíčky. Vyžaduje #typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#. V současnosti není podporováno pro Safari.",
"configuration.typescript": "TypeScript",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.6+.",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automaticky aktualizovat importy při vkládání kódu. Vyžaduje TypeScript 5.6+.",
"description": "Poskytuje rozšířenou podporu jazyka pro JavaScript a TypeScript.",
"displayName": "Funkce jazyka TypeScript a JavaScript",
"format.indentSwitchCase": "Odsadit klauzule case v příkazech switch. Vyžaduje v pracovním prostoru použití TypeScriptu 5.1+.",
Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5571,7 +5571,7 @@
"interactiveSession.history.editor": "Otevřít v editoru",
"interactiveSession.history.pick": "Přepnout na chat",
"": "Otevřít editor",
"manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot",
"manageCopilot": "Spravovat Copilot",
"more": "Další…",
"newChatTitle": "Nový název chatu",
"openChat": "Otevřít chat",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5771,7 +5771,7 @@
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.enabled.title": "Prompt Files",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.description": "Specify location(s) of reusable prompt files (`*{0}`) that can be attached in Chat, Edits, and Inline Chat sessions. [Learn More]({1}).\r\n\r\nRelative paths are resolved from the root folder(s) of your workspace.",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.title": "Prompt File Locations",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Určuje, jestli se v pravém dolním rohu zobrazí indikátor stavu související s Copilotem.",
"clear": "Zahájit nový chat",
"file": "Zvolte soubor v pracovním prostoru",
"interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem v blocích kódu chatu.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6125,27 +6125,27 @@
"chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Dosáhlo se limitu chatu.",
"chatStatus": "Stav Copilotu",
"chatsLabel": "Chat messages",
"completionsLabel": "Code completions",
"completionsLabel": "Dokončování kódu",
"completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Dosáhlo se limitu dokončení.",
"gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.",
"gaugeBorder": "Gauge border color.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Gauge error background color.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Gauge error foreground color.",
"gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Gauge warning background color.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Gauge warning foreground color.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Keybindings",
"limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.",
"quotaDisplay": "{0}%",
"gaugeBackground": "Barva pozadí měřidla.",
"gaugeBorder": "Barva ohraničení měřidla.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Barva pozadí chyby měřidla.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Barva popředí chyby měřidla.",
"gaugeForeground": "Barva popředí měřidla.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Barva pozadí upozornění měřidla.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Barva popředí upozornění měřidla.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Klávesové zkratky",
"limitQuota": "Limity se resetují dne {0}.",
"quotaDisplay": "{0} %",
"settings.codeCompletions": "Code completions (all files)",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Code completions ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Settings",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Dokončování kódu ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Nastavení",
"": "Chat",
"shortcuts.copilotEdits": "Copilot Edits",
"shortcuts.inlineChat": "Vložený chat",
"shortcuts.quickChat": "Quick Chat",
"signInToUseCopilot": "Pokud chcete používat Copilot, přihlaste se…",
"usageTitle": "Copilot Free Usage"
"usageTitle": "Bezplatné využití Copilotu"
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": {
"": "{0} nebo napište {1} pro připojení kontextu\r\n\r\n{2} pro chat s rozšířeními\r\n\r\nNapište {3} pro použití příkazů",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Unterdrückt semantische Fehler im Web, auch wenn projektweites IntelliSense aktiviert ist. Das ist immer aktiviert, wenn projektweites IntelliSense nicht aktiviert oder verfügbar ist. Siehe \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\"",
"configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Paketerfassung im Web. Hiermit wird IntelliSense für importierte Pakete aktiviert. Erfordert \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\". Wird für Safari aktuell nicht unterstützt.",
"configuration.typescript": "TypeScript",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.6+.",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Importe beim Einfügen von Code automatisch aktualisieren. Erfordert TypeScript 5.6 und höher.",
"description": "Bietet umfangreiche Sprachunterstützung für JavaScript und TypeScript.",
"displayName": "TypeScript- und JavaScript-Sprachfeatures",
"format.indentSwitchCase": "Einrücken von Case-Klauseln in Switch-Anweisungen. Erfordert die Verwendung von TypeScript 5.1 und höher im Arbeitsbereich.",
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5571,7 +5571,7 @@
"interactiveSession.history.editor": "In Editor öffnen",
"interactiveSession.history.pick": "Zum Chat wechseln",
"": "Editor öffnen",
"manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot",
"manageCopilot": "Copilot verwalten",
"more": "Mehr...",
"newChatTitle": "Neuer Chattitel",
"openChat": "Chat öffnen",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5771,7 +5771,7 @@
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.enabled.title": "Prompt Files",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.description": "Specify location(s) of reusable prompt files (`*{0}`) that can be attached in Chat, Edits, and Inline Chat sessions. [Learn More]({1}).\r\n\r\nRelative paths are resolved from the root folder(s) of your workspace.",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.title": "Prompt File Locations",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Steuert, ob ein Copilot-bezogener Statusindikator in der unteren rechten Ecke angezeigt wird.",
"clear": "Neuen Chat starten",
"file": "Wählen Sie eine Datei im Arbeitsbereich aus",
"interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie der Chatcodeblocks.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6125,27 +6125,27 @@
"chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Das Chat-Limit wurde erreicht.",
"chatStatus": "Copilot-Status",
"chatsLabel": "Chat messages",
"completionsLabel": "Code completions",
"completionsLabel": "Codevervollständigungen",
"completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Vervollständigungslimit erreicht",
"gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.",
"gaugeBorder": "Gauge border color.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Gauge error background color.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Gauge error foreground color.",
"gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Gauge warning background color.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Gauge warning foreground color.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Keybindings",
"limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.",
"gaugeBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Messgeräts.",
"gaugeBorder": "Rahmenfarbe des Messgeräts.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für Messgerätfehler.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für Messgerätfehler.",
"gaugeForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für Messgerät.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für Messgerätwarnung.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der Messgerätwarnung.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Tastenzuordnungen",
"limitQuota": "Limits werden am {0} zurückgesetzt.",
"quotaDisplay": "{0}%",
"settings.codeCompletions": "Code completions (all files)",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Code completions ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Settings",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Codevervollständigungen ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Einstellungen",
"": "Chat",
"shortcuts.copilotEdits": "Copilot Edits",
"shortcuts.inlineChat": "Inlinechat",
"shortcuts.quickChat": "Quick Chat",
"signInToUseCopilot": "Anmelden, um Copilot zu verwenden …",
"usageTitle": "Copilot Free Usage"
"usageTitle": "Copilot: Kostenlose Nutzung"
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": {
"": "{0} oder geben Sie {1} ein, um den Kontext anzufügen.\r\n\r\n{2} zum Chatten mit Erweiterungen\r\n\r\nGeben Sie {3} ein, um Befehle zu verwenden.",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Suprime los errores semánticos en la web incluso cuando IntelliSense para todo el proyecto está habilitado. Esto siempre está activado cuando IntelliSense para todo el proyecto no está habilitado o disponible. Vea `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`",
"configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Habilitar o deshabilitar la adquisición de paquetes en la Web. Esto habilita IntelliSense para los paquetes importados. Requiere \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\". Actualmente no se admite para Safari.",
"configuration.typescript": "TypeScript",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.6+.",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Actualizar automáticamente las importaciones al pegar código. Requiere TypeScript 5.6+.",
"description": "Proporciona soporte de lenguaje enriquecido para JavaScript y TypeScript.",
"displayName": "Características del lenguaje JavaScript y TypeScript",
"format.indentSwitchCase": "Sangrar cláusulas case en las instrucciones de cambio. Requiere el uso de TypeScript 5.1+ en el espacio de trabajo.",
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5571,7 +5571,7 @@
"interactiveSession.history.editor": "Abrir en el editor",
"interactiveSession.history.pick": "Cambiar a chat",
"": "Abrir Editor",
"manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot",
"manageCopilot": "Administrar Copilot",
"more": "Más...",
"newChatTitle": "Nuevo título del chat",
"openChat": "Abrir chat",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5771,7 +5771,7 @@
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.enabled.title": "Prompt Files",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.description": "Specify location(s) of reusable prompt files (`*{0}`) that can be attached in Chat, Edits, and Inline Chat sessions. [Learn More]({1}).\r\n\r\nRelative paths are resolved from the root folder(s) of your workspace.",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.title": "Prompt File Locations",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Controla si aparece un indicador de estado relacionado con Copilot en la esquina inferior derecha.",
"clear": "Iniciar un nuevo chat",
"file": "Elegir un archivo en el área de trabajo",
"interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de las fuentes en los bloques de código de chat.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6125,27 +6125,27 @@
"chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Se alcanzó el límite de chat",
"chatStatus": "Estado de Copilot",
"chatsLabel": "Chat messages",
"completionsLabel": "Code completions",
"completionsLabel": "Completaciones de código",
"completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Límite de finalizaciones alcanzado",
"gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.",
"gaugeBorder": "Gauge border color.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Gauge error background color.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Gauge error foreground color.",
"gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Gauge warning background color.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Gauge warning foreground color.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Keybindings",
"limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.",
"gaugeBackground": "Color de fondo de medidor.",
"gaugeBorder": "Color del borde del medidor.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Color de fondo de error del medidor.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Color de primer plano del error del medidor.",
"gaugeForeground": "Color de primer plano del medidor.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Color de fondo de advertencia del medidor.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Color de primer plano de advertencia del medidor.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Enlaces de teclado",
"limitQuota": "Los límites se restablecerán el {0}.",
"quotaDisplay": "{0}%",
"settings.codeCompletions": "Code completions (all files)",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Code completions ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Settings",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Completaciones de código ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Configuración",
"": "Chat",
"shortcuts.copilotEdits": "Copilot Edits",
"shortcuts.inlineChat": "Chat insertado",
"shortcuts.quickChat": "Quick Chat",
"signInToUseCopilot": "Iniciar sesión para usar Copilot...",
"usageTitle": "Copilot Free Usage"
"usageTitle": "Uso gratuito de Copilot"
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": {
"": "{0} o escriba {1} para adjuntar contexto\r\n\r\n{2} para chatear con extensiones\r\n\r\nEscriba {3} para usar comandos",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Supprime les erreurs sémantiques sur le web même lorsque IntelliSense à l’échelle du projet est activé. Cette option est toujours activée lorsque IntelliSense à l’échelle du projet n’est pas activé ou disponible. Voir `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`",
"configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Activez/désactivez l'acquisition de packages sur le web. Cela active IntelliSense pour les packages importés. Nécessite `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`. Actuellement non pris en charge pour Safari.",
"configuration.typescript": "TypeScript",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.6+.",
"configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Mettez automatiquement à jour les importations lors du collage de code. Nécessite TypeScript 5.6+.",
"description": "Fournit une prise en charge riche de langage pour JavaScript et TypeScript.",
"displayName": "Fonctionnalités de langage TypeScript et JavaScript",
"format.indentSwitchCase": "Mettre en retrait les clauses de cas dans les instructions switch. Nécessite l’utilisation de TypeScript 5.1+ dans l’espace de travail.",
Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5571,7 +5571,7 @@
"interactiveSession.history.editor": "Ouvrir dans l’Éditeur",
"interactiveSession.history.pick": "Basculer vers la conversation",
"": "Ouvrir l’éditeur",
"manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot",
"manageCopilot": "Gérer Copilot",
"more": "Plus...",
"newChatTitle": "Nouveau titre de la conversation",
"openChat": "Ouvrir la conversation",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5771,7 +5771,7 @@
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.enabled.title": "Prompt Files",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.description": "Specify location(s) of reusable prompt files (`*{0}`) that can be attached in Chat, Edits, and Inline Chat sessions. [Learn More]({1}).\r\n\r\nRelative paths are resolved from the root folder(s) of your workspace.",
"chat.reusablePrompts.config.locations.title": "Prompt File Locations",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.",
"chat.statusIndicator": "Vérifie si un indicateur de statut lié à Copilot apparaît dans le coin inférieur droit.",
"clear": "Démarrer une nouvelle conversation",
"file": "Choisir un fichier dans l’espace de travail",
"interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Contrôle l’la famille de police dans les codeblocks de la conversation.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6125,27 +6125,27 @@
"chatQuotaExceededStatus": "La limite des conversations a été atteinte",
"chatStatus": "État de Copilot",
"chatsLabel": "Chat messages",
"completionsLabel": "Code completions",
"completionsLabel": "Complétions de code",
"completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "La limite des saisies semi-automatiques a été atteinte",
"gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.",
"gaugeBorder": "Gauge border color.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Gauge error background color.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Gauge error foreground color.",
"gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Gauge warning background color.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Gauge warning foreground color.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Keybindings",
"limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.",
"quotaDisplay": "{0}%",
"gaugeBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de la jauge.",
"gaugeBorder": "Couleur de la bordure de la jauge.",
"gaugeErrorBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de l’erreur de la jauge.",
"gaugeErrorForeground": "Couleur de premier plan de l’erreur de la jauge.",
"gaugeForeground": "Couleur de premier plan de la jauge.",
"gaugeWarningBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de l’avertissement de la jauge.",
"gaugeWarningForeground": "Couleur de premier plan de l’avertissement de la jauge.",
"keybindingsTitle": "Combinaisons de touches",
"limitQuota": "Les limites seront réinitialisées le {0}.",
"quotaDisplay": "{0} %",
"settings.codeCompletions": "Code completions (all files)",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Code completions ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Settings",
"settings.codeCompletionsLanguage": "Complétions de code ({0})",
"settingsTitle": "Paramètres",
"": "Conversation",
"shortcuts.copilotEdits": "Copilot Edits",
"shortcuts.inlineChat": "Conversation inline",
"shortcuts.quickChat": "Quick Chat",
"signInToUseCopilot": "Se connecter pour utiliser Copilot...",
"usageTitle": "Copilot Free Usage"
"usageTitle": "Utilisation gratuite de Copilot"
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": {
"": "{0} ou tapez {1} pour attacher le contexte\r\n\r\n{2} pour converser avec des extensions\r\n\r\nTapez {3} pour utiliser des commandes",
Expand Down

0 comments on commit 7155d98

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