Published 1.1.72
Bug Fix: Changed the type of __path__
attribute for a module from Iterable[str]
to List[str]
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused a crash in the type checker in some rare cases when a function or class declaration was located within a block of code is unaccessible.
Behavior Change: Changed python.analysis.logLevel to use "Information" rather than "Info" for consistency with Python extension.
Bug Fix: Changed comment-style type annotations for functions to always allow forward declarations.
Behavior Change: Added special-case logic for the tuple
constructor. Rather than returning a type of tuple[_T_co]
, it now returns a type of tuple[_T_co, ...]
Behavior Change: Changed behavior of type evaluator for modules within a "py.typed" package when "typeCheckingMode" is not "off". If it encounters an unannotated symbol, the type evaluator no longer attempts to infer its type. Instead, it returns an unknown type. When "typeCheckingMode" is "off" (the default value for Pylance), inference is still used.
Enhancement: Improved reportMissingTypeArgument diagnostic rule to report cases where some type arguments are provided but some are missing. Previously, it detected only those cases where no type arguments were provided.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused incorrect error to be generated when a yield was used within a lambda.