Just a KuCoin Futures API version of https://github.com/escwdev/kucoin-node-api/.
npm install kucoin-futures-node-api
Alternatively, you can clone/download the repository and import into your project by file path.
To begin using the API wrapper, require it, create a config object that contains your API key, Secret key and Passphrase provided by Kucoin. Create an instantiation of the class then run the custom init() function with your config object as a parameter. If you are only using Public endpoints, the config object only requires the environment key/value pair.
Example code is as follows:
const api = require('./kucoin-futures-node-api')
const config = {
apiKey: 'xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXX',
passphrase: 'xxxxxx',
environment: 'live'
const apiLive = new api()
Once the API wrapper object is created, you can call any of the associated functions. They will return a Promise which can be utlized with .then/.catch or async/await. Note that the Promise based approach will return directly whereas the async/await approach requires calling the function.
Simple example:
// Promise based approach for getting account information (private & signed)
apiLive.getAccountOverview().then((r) => {
}).catch((e) => {
// Async/Await get account info example (private & signed)
async function getAccountOverview() {
try {
let r = await apiLive.getAccountOverview()
} catch(err) {
This approach allows for more complex multi-call asynchronous functionality, especially useful for automated trading.
Public endpoints do not require an API Key, Secret Key or API Passphrase.
Get Order Info. of the Contract
GET /api/v1/contracts
symbol = string [optional]
Get Open Contract List
GET /api/v1/contracts
symbol = string [optional]
Get Ticker
GET /api/v1/ticker
symbol = string
Get Full Order Book - Level 2 (aggregated)
see details at: https://docs.kucoin.com/futures/#get-full-order-book-level-2
GET /api/v1/level2/snapshot?symbol=<symbol>
symbol = string
Get Part Order Book (aggregated)
GET /api/v1/level2/depth20?symbol=<symbol>
GET /api/v1/level2/depth100?symbol=<symbol>
params = {
amount: integer (20 || 100)
symbol: string
Level 2 Pulling Messages
see details at: https://docs.kucoin.com/futures/#level-2-pulling-messages
GET /api/v1/level2/message/query
params = {
symbol: string
start: long
end : long
Get Full Order Book (atomic)
GET /api/v2/level3/snapshot?symbol=<symbol>
symbol = string
Level 3 Pulling Messages
see details at: https://docs.kucoin.com/futures/#level-3-pulling-messages
GET /api/v1/level3/snapshot
params = {
symbol: string
start: long
end : long
List the last 100 trades for a symbol
GET /api/v1/trade/history?symbol=<symbol>
symbol = string
Get Interest Rate List
GET /api/v1/interest/query
params = {
symbol = string
startAt = long (unix time) [optional]
endAt = long (unix time) [optional]
reverse = boolean [optional, default: true]
offset = long [optional]
forward = boolean [optional, default: true]
maxCount = int [optional, default: 10]
Get Index List
GET /api/v1/index/query
params = {
symbol = string
startAt = long (unix time) [optional]
endAt = long (unix time) [optional]
reverse = boolean [optional, default: true]
offset = long [optional]
forward = boolean [optional, default: true]
maxCount = int [optional, default: 10]
Get Current Mark Price
GET /api/v1/mark-price/{symbol}/current
symbol = string
Get Premium Index
GET /api/v1/index/query
params = {
symbol = string
startAt = long (unix time) [optional]
endAt = long (unix time) [optional]
reverse = boolean [optional, default: true]
offset = long [optional]
forward = boolean [optional, default: true]
maxCount = int [optional, default: 10]
Get Current Funding Rate
GET /api/v1/funding-rate/{symbol}/current
symbol = string
Server Time
GET /api/v1/timestamp
Get Klines
GET /api/v1/kline/query
params = {
symbol: string [Required]
granularity: int [Required] - Granularity (minute)
startAt: long (unix time) [Optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [Optional]
Get Account Overview
GET /api/v1/account-overview
params = {
currency: string [optional, default: XBT]
Get Transaction History, see: https://docs.kucoin.com/futures/#get-transaction-history
GET /api/v1/transaction-history
params = {
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
type: string [optional]
offset: long [optional]
maxCount: long [optional, default: 50]
currency: string [optional]
forward: boolean [optional, default: True]
Get Deposit Address
GET /api/v1/deposit-address?currency=<currency>
params = {
currency: string
Get Deposit List
GET /api/v1/deposit-list
params = {
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
status: string [optional]
currency: string [optional]
Get Withdrawal Quotas
GET /api/v1/withdrawals/quotas
params = {
currency: string
Withdraw Funds
POST /api/v1/withdrawals
params = {
currency: string
address: string
amount: number
isInner: boolean [optional]
remark: string [optional]
chain: string [optional, default: ERC20]
memo: string [optional]
Get Withdrawals List
GET /api/v1/withdrawal-list
params = {
status: string [optional]
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
currency: string [optional]
Cancel Withdrawal
DELETE /api/v1/withdrawals/<withdrawalId>
params = {
withdrawalId: string
Transfer Funds
POST /api/v2/transfer-out
params = {
bizNo: string
amount: number
currency: string
Get Transfer List
GET /api/v1/transfer-list
params = {
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
status: string [optional]
currency: string
Cancel Withdrawal
DELETE /api/v1/cancel/transfer-out
params = {
applyId: string
Place a new order
POST /api/v1/orders
Details for market order vs. limit order and params see https://docs.kucoin.com/futures/#place-a-new-order
General params
params = {
clientOid: string - Unique order id created by users to identify their orders
side: string ['buy' || 'sell]
symbol: string - a valid contract code. e.g. XBTUSDM
type: string [optional] - Either limit or market
leverage: string - Leverage of the order
remark: string [optional] - remark for the order, length cannot exceed 100 utf8 characters
stop: string [optional] - Either down or up. Requires stopPrice and stopPriceType to be defined
stopPriceType: string [optional] - Either TP, IP or MP, Need to be defined if stop is specified.
stopPrice: string [optional] - Need to be defined if stop is specified.
reduceOnly: boolean [optional, default: false] - A mark to reduce the position size only
closeOrder: boolean [optional, default: false] - A mark to close the position
forceHold: boolean [optional, default: false] - A mark to forcely hold the funds for an order
price: string - Limit price
size: Integer - Order size
timeInForce: string [optional, default is GTC] - GTC, IOC. read: https://docs.kucoin.com/futures/#time-in-force
postOnly: boolean [optional] - Post only flag, invalid when timeInForce is IOC
hidden: boolean [optional] - Orders not displaying in order book
iceberg: boolean [optional]
visibleSize: Integer [optional]
size: Integer [optional] - amount of contract to buy or sell
Cancel an order (including a stop order)
DELETE /api/v1/orders/<order-id>
params = {
id: order-id
Cancel all open orders (excluding stop orders)
DELETE /api/v1/orders
params = {
symbol: string [optional]
Cancel all untriggered stop orders
DELETE /api/v1/stopOrders
params = {
symbol: string [optional] - Cancel all untriggered stop orders for a specific contract only
List your current orders
GET /api/v1/orders
params = {
status: string [optional, default: done, alt: active]
symbol: string [optional]
side: string [optional, 'buy' || 'sell]
type: string [optional, limit || market || limit_stop || market_stop]
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
Get the un-triggered stop orders list.
GET /api/v1/stopOrders
params = {
symbol: string [optional]
side: string [optional, 'buy' || 'sell]
type: string [optional, limit || market]
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
Get a list of recent 1000 orders in the last 24 hours.
GET /api/v1/recentDoneOrders
Get a single order by order id (including a stop order)
GET /api/v1/orders/<order-id>?clientOid=<client-order-id>
params = {
oid: order-id,
cid: client-order-id [optional] - oid (order-id) must be undefined
List Fills
GET /api/v1/fills
params: {
orderId: string [optional]
symbol: string [optional]
side: string [optional, 'buy' || 'sell]
type: string [optional, limit || market || limit_stop || market_stop]
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
List Your Recent Fills: max 1000 fills in the last 24 hours, all symbols
GET /api/v1/recentFills
Active Order Value Calculation
GET /api/v1/openOrderStatistics
params: {
symbol: string
Get the position details of a specified position.
GET /api/v1/position
params: {
symbol: string
Get all the positions
GET /api/v1/positions
Enable/Disable of Auto-Deposit Margin
POST /api/v1/position/margin/auto-deposit-status
params = {
symbol: string - Symbol of the contract
status: boolean - Status
Add Margin Manually
POST /api/v1/position/margin/deposit-margin
params = {
symbol: string - Ticker symbol of the contract
margin: number - Margin amount (min. margin amount≥0.00001667XBT)
bizNo: string - A unique ID generated by the user
Get V1 Historical Orders List
GET /api/v1/funding-history
params: {
symbol: string
startAt: long (unix time) [optional]
endAt: long (unix time) [optional]
reverse: boolean [optional, default: true]
offset: long [optional]
forward: boolean [optional, default: true]
maxCount: int [optional, default: 10]
The websocket component of the API wrapper is utilized by initializing websockets based on topics that match Kucoin endpoints. These include:
- 'ticker'
- 'tickerv2'
- 'orderbook'
- 'execution'
- 'fullMatch'
- 'depth5'
- 'depth50'
- 'market'
- 'announcement'
- 'snapshot'
- 'ordersMarket' (private)
- 'orders' (private)
- 'advancedOrders' (private)
- 'balances' (private)
- 'position' (private)
To initialize a websocket, provide the paramaters and an event handler. A simple example is as follows:
// Parameters
params = {
topic: enum (see above)
symbols: array (ignored if not required by the endpoint, single array element if single, multiple if desired)
// Public streaming websocket for the orderbook of the provide symbol(s)
apiLive.initSocket({topic: "orderbook", symbols: ['KCS-BTC']}, (msg) => {
let data = JSON.parse(msg)
// Private streaming websocket for account balances
apiLive.initSocket({topic: "balances"}, (msg) => {
let data = JSON.parse(msg)
The event handler can be programmed to manipulate/store the returned websocket stream data as desired.