This is an online simulation of the agile dot game
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Demo the simulation on a test project first. Show every person's task in the workflow.
Once the demo is over, ask the audience to estimate the average task in seconds.
We're going to run a number of iterations:
Process for each participant
- Wait for a batch of 4 items to appear in their inbox
- They take exactly 4 items in their workspace
- They solve the 4 items
- Move the 4 items to their outbox
- go to 1.
Process for each participant
- Wait for an item to appear in their inbox
- They take exactly 1 items in their workspace
- They solve the item
- Move the item to their outbox
- go to 1.
Process for each participant
- Wait for a batch of 4 items to appear in their inbox
- They take exactly 4 items in their workspace
- They solve the 4 items
- They move the 4 solved items only if their outbox is empty
- go to 1.
Process for each participant
- Wait for an item to appear in their inbox
- They take exactly 1 items in their workspace
- They solve the item
- Move the item to their outbox only if the outbox is empty
- go to 1.
The Product owner creating the items cannot go over a total WIP of 10. Everyone else works on one item at a time without the previous constraints.
The Product owner creating the items tries to keep the inbox of development populated to 2 items. Everyone else works on one item at a time without the previous constraints.
- There is no correlation between Effort and When will it be done?
- The nature of the work never changed
- The effort required to do each task was equal in all iterations
- The time it took for a single story to be done (lead time) was wildly different in each iteration.
- Parallel work with integration at the end of the process
- Collaboration: swarming, pair programming, ensemble programming
- Variability of work: some items might be analysis heavy, others QA-heavy
- ... probably more
run the following commands in two separate terminals:
npm run serverstart
npm run webpack:watch
open localhost:3000
The following step requires httpie tool to be installed.
npm run test
npm run test:watch
npm run format
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.