The FirmwareScraper is able to scrape firmware from multiple vendor webpages using the scrapy library
Some packages need to be installed using apt-get/apt before installing scrapy
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
As python 2 is almost at EOL, python3 additionally needs python3-dev
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev
Scrapy can then be installed using the following command:
pip install scrapy
For more information about the installation process of scrapy, see here.
To use the existing scrapy project, just clone it into a repository of your choice
git clone
To run a spider, just go into the project's folder and type the following command into the terminal:
scrapy crawl *name of spider e.g. avm* -o *name of file to output metadata e.g. spidername.json*
For selenium to be able to render the desired page you need a driver executable (geckodriver, chromedriver etc.) to be in the correct path in the
SELENIUM_DRIVER_EXECUTABLE_PATH = '/home/username/driver/geckodriver'
For more information about the installation process of selenium, see here.
To get the supported drivers for selenium see here.
Some spiders use Beautiful Soup to search for attributes in a webpage.
pip install beautifulsoup4
For more information about the installation process of Beautiful Soup, see here.
All developed spiders and corresponding tests should be contained in the folders
For the file download, scrapy's file pipline is activated in To store the files, a valid path has to be added
'scrapy.pipelines.files.FilesPipeline': 1
FILES_STORE = 'valid/path/to/files/'
Additionally, the necessary fields are added to the FirmwareItem class in the
class FirmwareItem(scrapy.Item):
file_urls = scrapy.Field()
files = scrapy.Field()
To add files to the pipeline use the following commands in the spider class
for url in ...:
loader = ItemLoader(item=FirmwareItem(), selector=url)
loader.add_value('file_urls', url)
yield loader.load_item()
The scrapy script will then automatically download all the files in the pipeline
The name of the spider should contain the source in a meaningful way (e.g. When crawling netgear firmware, the spider's name could be
It is not necessary to add the key word 'spider' (e.g. as it is already contained in the spiders folder and it would just inflate the module's name.