This repo has slides, exercises, solutions and support material for the SQL crash course at Data Science Retreat
- Examples and exercises are based on PostgreSQL and the DVD Rental DB
- DataGrip is the recommended GUI (trial version available for 30 days)
Original content developed and maintained by Dania Meira -
Distributed under the MIT license.
- What is SQL?
- Why SQL?
- The RDBMS Landscape
- NoSQL ?
- Database Structures
- Database Objects
- Data Types
- Types of SQL Statements: DDL, DML and DCL
- The Basic SQL Query
- Join
- Union
- Subqueries
- The WITH Clause
- Aggregate Functions with GROUP BY and HAVING
- Window Functions
- Date and String Functions
- Connecting to a DB using python + pandas
- User segmentation with SQL
- Database Index
- Optimization examples