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302 lines (178 loc) · 9.67 KB

File metadata and controls

302 lines (178 loc) · 9.67 KB

0.3.17 (2020-04-16)


  • Fixes the adding of erroneous response codes for certain endpoints.
  • Fixes transformations when multiple endpoints are used.

0.3.16 (2020-03-12)


  • Removes useInProduction.

0.3.15 (2020-03-01)


  • Adds unmock-xmlhttprequest.

0.3.14 (2020-02-12)


  • Fix import type error that made Unmock fail to compile

0.3.13 (2020-02-11)


  • Add programmatic Faker API for creating and managing services
  • Add stop command to unmock-server
  • Extract runner from unmock-core
  • Add new unmock-runner package with jestRunner for Jest configuration

0.3.12 (2020-01-09)


  • Fixed bug in unmock-server CLI by including oclif.manifest.json in the package.


  • Updated packages to fix security vulnerabilities

0.3.11 (2019-12-19)


  • Add CLI to unmock-server
  • Add unmock-browser package, which runs unmock-js in browser and React Native
  • Implement parsing of request headers in unmock-fetch
  • Add unmock-types package
  • Extract UnmockFaker class from Backend class
  • Rename unmock.newFaker() to unmock.faker()


  • Remove concurrently dependency

0.3.10 (2019-11-4)


  • Add unmock-server, a mock server
  • Add unmock.randomize.on() option for randomizing responses
  • Introduce unmock CLI in unmock-cli package

0.3.9 (2019-10-17)


  • Extract unmock-node from unmock-core for better portability to other environments
  • Add unmock-fetch package

0.3.8 (2019-9-27)


  • Request and response include bodyAsJson for convenient access to a parsed object
  • Include request headers in Jest reporter and redact Authorization fields
  • Adds u.opt


  • Fix missing Faker issue #272
  • Adds certain types as a dependency

0.3.7 (2019-9-26)


  • Fixes a bug in the reporter where no test suites were shown

0.3.6 (2019-9-26)


  • fixes a bug where path parameters were incorrectly matched if they were anything other than a string.

0.3.5 (2019-9-25)


  • the runner no longer needs manual resetting of the spies


  • json-schema-faker ignored minItems, which is now disabled. as a result, there is a slight regression in the fuzzing (it is less fuzzy) that we can address in a future release.

0.3.4 (2019-09-22)


  • nock-like syntax for setting request headers, response headers, request bodies, and queries

0.3.3 (2019-09-20)


  • Added more randomization to test runner
  • Added more accessors to spy methods, for example, postResponseCode
  • Added unmock.associate method for associating a service with a URL
  • Changed Jest reporter to show only one test suite at a time

0.3.2 (2019-09-18)


  • Added mapDefaultTo to the transformer in order to map a default OpenAPI response to another code.
  • Made it possible for JSON schema objects created by u to contain plain JSON objects that will be turned into constants.


  • Made prettier work in each repo of the monorepo, resulting in a lot of changes. The whole thing is more readable now.

0.3.1 (2019-09-18)

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed unmock.gen package as unmock.transform
  • Renamed unmock.transform.<method>.address package as unmock.transform.<method>.lens

0.3.0 (2019-09-17)


  • New state mananagement system using monocle-ts and functional programming conventions. To set the state of any service, you use a function that accepts a request and an OpenAPI schema and returns a modified schema.
  • A new runner for fuzz testing.

0.2.2 (2019-09-16)


  • Disabled esModuleInterop in tsconfig.json so that the package can be used without esModuleInterop


  • Added initial nock-like syntax for declaring services
  • Added unmock-jest package for Unmock Jest reporter
  • Added snapshotting of requests to local disk so they're available for the Jest reporter

0.2.1 (2019-08-30)

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed unmock-node package as unmock


  • Added the missing SinonJS types
  • Fixed setting state using reserved OpenAPI schema keywords such as type


  • Added pathname and query request object
  • Added spy helpers such as postResponseBody

0.2.0 (2019-08-23)

Breaking changes:

  • unmock.on() returns this instead of states object.
  • Deleted unmock.states: state changes should be done via["service"].state


  • Exports UnmockRequest, UnmockResponse and other exposed types
  • Adds service spy for keeping track of service calls
  • Exports sinon for easy assertions on service spy

0.1.10 (2019-08-14)


  • Remove polyfills polluting global scope

0.1.9 (2019-08-13)


  • Add missing core-js dependency to packages

0.1.8 (2019-08-12)


  • Package compilation with Babel to support Node.js >= 6
  • Better formatting for error messages
  • Read services from node_modules/@unmock in addition to __unmock__

0.1.7 (2019-08-07)


  • Export types Request and States
  • Add typing to states object


  • Fix issue in Node<10 where URL was used without it being available

0.1.6 (2019-08-06)


  • Add allowedHosts object to unmock to add new allowed hosts
  • Add flaky mode with unmock.flaky.on()
  • Add better error messages when no matching operation is found from the specification
  • Allow changing service state with functions taking the request as an argument


  • Fix bugs in loas3 in handling references

0.1.5 (2019-07-26)


  • dist/ directory was missing from the release because of a bug in the CI/CD pipeline #107

0.1.4 (2019-07-25)


  • Setting states is now a typed experience. Hints on how to use the state facade object are available -> ba6a78f.
    • As services are dynamically loaded, hints for available services do not show up. You may use the services dynamically as usual though.
  • textResponse is now infered automatically when setting a state with a string -> bd9ac1
    • If you need to specify additional DSL instructions, you still need to use textResponse.


  • Dereferencing JSON $ref instructions only happens when needed (setting a state) -> 36cf981
    • Dereferencing certain services took long otherwise and was redundant work.
    • For the time being, only dereferences internal references and references to local files.
  • Renames textMW transformer to textResponse -> 3c43358
  • Import notation no longer requires an asterisk (import unmock from "unmock-node") -> cdd46ee
  • middleware renamed to dsl, with objResponse as a named export instead of the default (import { dsl } from "unmock-node") -> cdd46ee


  • Replace server path prefix (terminated with a /) with /, instead of removing the non-terminated path prefix -> 30083e5
    • When a service path prefix and an endpoint shared the same prefix, setting a state would break (e.g. consider Slack's /api/ service prefix and /api.test endpoint).

0.1.3 (2019-07-19)


  • Generator no longer uses the default values for consecutive generation calls -> 30e1519
    • The use of default values is set for header generation and was not cancelled before body generation.

0.1.2 (2019-07-19)


  • Resolve JSON $ref when loading a service -> 8cff0bf

0.1.1 (2019-07-18)


  • If the required field is not stated in the response specification, automatically generate all the fields in the matching response. If it is present, randomly select which additional fields to generate -> a414f89

0.1.0 (2019-07-18)

Initial release.

  • (OpenAPI) Specification-based automatic mocking system.
  • Interception of requests with a NodeJS backend client - your test code requests won't reach 3rd party APIs by mistake!
  • Basic options to control whitelisted URLs (supports wildcards and regular expressions).
  • State management system (user may supply their own values to generate matching responses from the specification).
    • Users may set states with object notation ({ users: { social: { facebook: "facebook_id" }}}) and textual responses (for plain/text endpoints) using textResponse (textResponse("foobar")). These are found under the exported middleware object. Refer to documentation for more examples and clarification.
    • Fluent API access to set the states, supporting wildcard matches, REST methods, custom service names, etc.
    • States are applied to endpoints for which they are valid. If no endpoint is specified, all endpoints and all REST methods are checked for the given state.
    • Runtime error for mismatching values, attempting to set states for non-existing endpoints, etc.
  • Basic unmock DSL to allow fine-tuned modification of mocked responses ("states").
    • $code (to specify response status code), $times (to specify number of times a state is valid) and $size (to specify the size of an array).
  • Boilerplate code for future expansion into jsdom and future CLI support.