Releases: meadsteve/chaos-spawn
Releases · meadsteve/chaos-spawn
v0.8.1 - Removes call to `random` module deprecated in otp19.
v0.8.0 - Version dep upgrades
Bumps to a stable version of timex with elixir 1.3 support.
This version now only supports >= elixir 1.3
Added helper logic for wrapping supervisors as well as workers (from previousrelease). Used as follows:
Replace a call to supervisor
with a call to ChaosSpawn.Chaotic.ChaoticSupervisor.supervisor
Any process of this child will then be automatically registered as a process that can be killed.
Added helper logic for wrapping workers. Used as follows:
Replace a call to worker
with a call to ChaosSpawn.Chaotic.ChaoticWorker.worker
Any proceses of this child will then be automatically registered as a process that can be killed.
defmodule ChaosSpawn.Example.Supervisor do
alias ChaosSpawn.Chaotic.ChaoticWorker
def init(:ok) do
children = [
ChaoticWorker.worker(Some.Module, [:arg, :another_arg])
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)