🦄 A Simple utility to find whether darkmode is enabled.
Node.js 16.x LTS
Install the NPM Package with the below command:
npm install is-darkmode --save
Install with Yarn:
yarn add is-darkmode
Import the module in your project:
// Commonjs Import
var { isDarkmode } = require("is-darkmode");
// or ES6 import
import { isDarkmode } from "is-darkmode";
Inside your React app, Pass the function into a Variable.
With that you can conditionally render the content based on the result of the function.
import { isDarkmode } from "is-darkmode";
export default function App() {
const checkDarkmode = isDarkmode();
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello App</h1>
<p>{checkDarkmode ? "Darkmode is Enabled" : "Darkmode is Disabled"}</p>
I hope you find this useful. If you have any questions, please create an issue.