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    <title>Common Lisp ZIP library</title>
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    <h1>Common Lisp ZIP library</h1>

    <p>A library for .zip-file reading and writing, written in Common Lisp.</p>

      Written by David Lichteblau &lt;;.
      Send bug reports to <a
      href="">list information</a>).
      Thanks to <a href=""></a> for
      Uses <a href="">salza2</a> for
      compression, <a
      href="">flexi-streams</a> for external
      format support, <a
      for gray streams portability, and includes <a
      for decompression.

    <h2>Recent changes</h2>
      2006-xx-yy: Fixed the gray stream port, including a data
      corruption bug that was in CVS for some time.  (Thanks to Kevin
      Reid and others.)  Switched to flexi-stream external-format
      functions for portability.  Uses trivial-gray-streams now.
      Allegro 8.0 fix (thanks to Edi Weitz).  Comment support (thanks
      to Surendra Singhi).  Incompatible change: Don't bind
      <tt>*locale*</tt> on Allegro anymore.
      2005-04-05: ACL fixes (thank to Edi Weitz).  Lispworks port
      (thanks to Sean Ross).  Store <tt>file-write-date</tt> (also fixes
      FilZip compatibility).

      <li>asdf-install: <pre>(asdf-install:install :zip)</pre></li>
      <li>Anoncvs (<a href="">browse</a>):
        <pre>$ export
$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password: anonymous
$ cvs co zip</pre>
      <li><a href="">Tarball</a></li>
    <p>Installation (without asdf-install):</p>
    <pre>$ ln -s `pwd`/zip.asd /your/system/directory
* (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :zip)</pre>

      Needs gray streams.  Currently works out-of-the-box on SBCL,
      Lispworks, and ACL.  Should be trivial to port to other Lisps.
      Handles Unicode characters in filenames on ACL and Lispworks
      (within the zip-file), is waiting for someone to fix Unicode
      handling on SBCL.

    <h2>ZIP-file reading</h2>
      Zip archives are represented as opaque handles.  Entries of the
      zip-file are named by strings and represented as objects, too.

    <div class="def">Function OPEN-ZIPFILE (pathname) => zipfile</div>
      Open .zip-file <tt>pathname</tt> for reading and return a handle for it.
    <div class="def">Function CLOSE-ZIPFILE (zipfile)</div>
      Close the file handle.

    <div class="def">Macro WITH-ZIPFILE ((var pathname) &body body) => result of body</div>
      Bind <tt>var</tt> to the result of <tt>open-zipfile</tt>, evaluate
      body as an implicit progn and call <tt>close-zipfile</tt> before

    <div class="def">Function GET-ZIPFILE-ENTRY (name zipfile) => zipfile-entry</div>
    <p>Return an entry handle for the file called <tt>name</tt>.</p>
    <div class="def">Function ZIPFILE-ENTRIES (zipfile) => hash-table</div>
      Return a hash-table mapping filenames to entry handles for all
      files contained in the zip archive.
    <div class="def">Macro DO-ZIPFILE-ENTRIES ((name-var entry-var zipfile) &body body) => nil</div>
      Map over all entries in <tt>zipfile</tt> binding <tt>name-var</tt>
      and <tt>entry-var</tt> to each file name and entry handle in
      turn.  Establish implicit block named <tt>nil</tt> around the

    <div class="def">Function ZIPFILE-ENTRY-NAME (zipfile-entry) => string</div>
    <p>Return an entry's file name as a string.</p>
    <div class="def">Function ZIPFILE-ENTRY-CONTENTS (entry &optional
    stream) => see below</div>
      If <tt>stream</tt> is given, extract <tt>entry</tt> to the
      <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> stream given as the argument.
      Otherwise, return the entry contents as an <tt>(unsigned-byte
      8)</tt> vector.

    <div class="def">Function UNZIP (pathname target-directory &key if-exists verbose) => nil</div>
      Extract all entries from the zip archive at <tt>pathname</tt> into
      <tt>target-directory</tt>.  <tt>if-exists</tt> as for <a

    <h2>ZIP-file writing</h2>
      <tt>zipwriter</tt>s are handles used to create zip archives. They
      are distinct from the zip handles used for reading.
    <div class="def">Macro WITH-OUTPUT-TO-ZIPFILE ((var pathname &key if-exists) &body body)</div>

    <div class="def">Function WRITE-ZIPENTRY (zipwriter name data &key file-write-date)</div>
      Append a new entry called <tt>name</tt> to <tt>zipwriter</tt>.
      Read data from <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> stream <tt>data</tt>
      until EOF and compress it into "deflate"-format.
      Use <tt>file-write-date</tt> as the entry's date and time.
      Default to <tt>(file-write-date data)</tt>, use 1980-01-01T00:00
      if <tt>nil</tt>.

    <div class="def">Function ZIP (pathname source-directory &key if-exists)</div>
      Compress all files in <tt>source-directory</tt> recursively into a
      new zip archive at <tt>pathname</tt>.  Note that entry file names
      will not contain the name <tt>source-directory</tt>.

      <a href="">spec</a>


David Lichteblau's Common Lisp ZIP library







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