The JavaFX Maven Plugin provides a way to assemble distribution bundles for JavaFX applications (2.2+) from within Maven.
For information about this plugin including licencing information and how to configure your POM, please refer to the main wiki page:
Version 1.3 (25-Nov-2012)
- Split bundlers into separate Mojos giving developers more control
- Webstart bundle now includes all JARs instead of working of the uber-JAR
- Added BAT file bundle generation
- Added 'keystore' generation Mojo
- Added 'run' Mojo to launch app via Maven
Version 1.2 (19-Nov-2012)
- JNLP bundle generation including templating (via javafx-deploy-lib)
- Basic JAR signing (via Oracle JFX packaging lib)
- General enhancements and improvements to plugin configuration options
Version 1.1 (12-Nov-2012)
- First release to central Maven repository
- Basic executable JAR support
- Basic native bundling (wrapping the default JFX packaging lib)