This collection of repositories is used for building Cricket UI
- Introduction
- Installing Sources
- Prerequisites for running or building
- Interpret python source
- Cricket API Library
- Cricket UI Exe maker
- Application Installer creation
- Application Installation steps
- Additional Documentation
- Application release procedure
- Release History
- Meta
This repository is collection of build environement for Cricket UI.
Clone the release tag repository from MCCI's github server using the command:
git clone --recursive --branch <tag_name> --single-branch
For an example - Cloning for the release tag 'v1.0.0', replace the <tag_name> with v1.0.0
Then change directories to the top level of the cloned repository.
On Windows:
Development environment
- OS - Windows 10 64 bit
- Python - 3.7.6
- wxpython - 4.0.7.post2
- pyserial - 3.4
- pyusb - 1.0.2
- pyinstaller - 4.7
- matplotlib -1.16.0
Download python3.7.6 and install
pip install wxpython==4.0.7.post2
pip install pyserial
pip install pyusb
pip install hidapi==0.10.1
pip install matplotlib
pip install pyinstaller
On Linux:
Development environment
- Linux OS - Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit
- Python - 3.8.10
- wxpython - 4.0.7.post2
- pyserial - 3.4
- pyusb - 1.0.2
- libusb - 1.0.22b9
- libusb1 - 1.8
- pyinstaller - 4.7
- matplotlib - 3.5
- hidapi - 0.10.1 - Only for Mac OS
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install wxpython==4.0.7.post2
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install pyusb
sudo pip3 install libusb
sudo pip3 install libusb1
sudo pip3 install matplotlib
sudo pip3 install pyinstaller
brew install hidapi - Only for Mac OS
- If the installation of wxpython is not success, perform
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk-3-dev
- Some times the installation of wxpython takes longer time (>30 minutes).
On Mac:
Development environment
- Mac OS - Mac OS - Cataina V10.15.7 64 bit
- Python - 3.7.0
- wxpython - 4.0.7.post2
- pyserial - 3.4
- pyusb - 1.0.2
- libusb - 1.0.22b9
- libusb1 - 1.8
- pyinstaller - 4.2
- matplotlib - 3.2.2
- hidapi - 0.10.1 - Only for Mac OS
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install wxpython==4.0.7.post2
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install pyusb
brew install libusb
sudo pip3 install libusb1
sudo pip3 install matplotlib
sudo pip3 install pyinstaller
brew install hidapi - Only for Mac OS
On RaspberryPI:
Development environment
- Raspberry Pi OS - aarch64 in Ubuntu 20.04 bit
- Python - 3.6.9
- wxgtk-4.0
- pyserial - 3.5
- pyusb - 1.1.1
- libusb - 1.0.23b7
- libusb1 - 1.9
- pyinstaller - 4.2
- matplotlib - 1.14.0
- hidapi - 0.10.1 - Only for Mac OS
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:swt-techie/wxpython4
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-wxgtk4.0
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install pyusb
sudo pip3 install libusb
sudo pip3 install libusb1
sudo pip3 install matplotlib
sudo pip3 install pyinstaller
This is to ensure that the source can be interpreted without any error
Move to the directory destdir/cricket/src/
On Windows:
This show up application UI window on screen
On Linux:
This show up application UI window on screen
On Raspberry PI3:
This show up application UI window on screen
On Mac:
This show up application UI window on screen
api is a python library this library intract with Cricekt UI
download or clone the repository from here.
To install the library package
python install
Please navigate to dist/ directory and you will find the files .egg file. Example: cricketapi-1.0.0-py3.7.egg
here provide the information about cricket lib please follow the instrunctions README
EXE is a file extension for an executable file format. It makes distributing Cricket UI much easier. The exe produced by PyInstaller is standalone.
On Windows:
Run pyinstaller
Cmd in exeScript
pyinstaller Cricket-Windows.spec
The executable 'Cricket' show up in exeScriptdir/dist/Cricket/
On Linux and On Raspberry Pi:
Run pyinstaller
Cmd in exeScript
pyinstaller Cricket-Linux.spec
The executable 'Cricket' show up in exeScriptdir/dist/
On Mac:
Run pyinstaller
Cmd in exeScript
pyinstaller Cricket-Mac.spec
The executable 'Cricket' show up in exeScriptdir/dist/
On Windows:
Download Inno Setup Compiler and install
Run the Inno Setup Script file 'Cricket-Windows' which is in destdir/installerScript/
The App Installer 'cricket--windows-installer' show up in destdir/AppInstaller/
On Linux:
Create Linux deb package using Debreate Debian package builder
Run the Package project file 'Cricket-Linux' which is in destdir/installerScript/
The App Installer 'cricket--linux-installer' show up in destdir/AppInstaller/
On Raspberry Pi:
Create Raspberry Pi deb package using Debreate Debian package builder
Run the Package project file 'Cricket-Linux' which is in destdir/installerScript/
The App Installer 'cricket--linux-installer' show up in destdir/AppInstaller/
On Mac:
Download Packages and install
To know about Packages more
Run the Package project file 'Cricket-Mac' which is in destdir/installerScript/
The App Installer 'cricket--mac-installer' show up in destdir/AppInstaller/
- download the file from Github See here Cricket Window Installer Pkg
- Extarct the zip file
- Double cilck on installer its explorer the wizard file
- "Select Destination Location" Click Next -> "Select Additional Task" Click Next -> "Ready to Install" Click Install
For more info about installation procedure see,
The doc
directory contain installation for Cricket UI step by step procedure Windows-Installation-Steps
download the file from Github See here Cricket Linux Installer Pkg
download the MCCI Cricket UI Linux installer from Collections-cricket-ui releases.
extract the Linux installer file.
open the Terminal at .deb file location.
install the Cricket_3.0.0_all.deb using the cmd of
sudo dpkg -i Cricket_3.0.0_all.deb
For more info about installation procedure see,
The doc
directory contain installation for Cricket UI step by step procedure Linux-Installation-Steps
The doc
directory contain installation for Cricket UI step by step procedure RPI-Installation-Steps
For more info about installation procedure see,
- download MCCI Cricket UI RPI installer from Collections-cricket-ui releases.
- extract the RPI installer file.
- open the Terminal at .deb file location.
- install the Cricket_3.0.0_all.deb using the cmd of
sudo dpkg -i Cricket_3.0.0_all.deb
download the file from Github See here Cricket Window Installer Pkg
download MCCI Cricket UI Mac installer from Collections-cricket-ui releases.
extract the Mac installer file.
double click on Application file to explore the installer window.
click on "Continue" -> "Select a Destination" where Software installed -> "Install" -> "The Onstallation was successful.
For more info about installation procedure see,
The doc
directory contain installation for Cricket UI step by step procedure Mac-Installation-Steps
The doc
directory contains MCCI Cricket-UI-User-Guide document and MCCI-Cricket-UI-Release-Notes, which docuements provide the information of Controlling the MCCI USB Switches through Cricket UI.
See the list of bugs at mcci-usb/cricket-ui
On Windows:
Create a release directory with release version MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>-Windows-Installer
Move the App Installer 'cricket--windows-installer' into the release directory and zip (compress)
the name of zipped folder should be MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>
The Application Installer must be digitally signed before it can be deployed.
On Linux:
Create a release directory with release version MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>-Linux-Installer.deb
Move the App Installer 'cricket--windows-installer' into the release directory and zip (compress) it,
the name of zipped folder should be MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>-Linux-Installer.tar.gz
The Application Installer must be digitally signed before it can be deployed.
On Raspberry Pi:
Create a release directory with release version MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>-Linux-Installer.deb
Move the App Installer 'cricket--windows-installer' into the release directory and zip (compress) it,
the name of zipped folder should be MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>-RPI-Linux-aarch64-Installer.tar.gz
The Application Installer must be digitally signed before it can be deployed.
On Mac:
Create a release directory with release version MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>-Mac-Installer.pkg
Move the App Installer 'Cricket-Installer' into the release directory and zip (compress) it,
the name of zipped folder should be MCCI-Cricket-UI-<ver tag>
The Mac application and the Application Installer must be signed and notarized before it can be deployed.
v3.0.0 is major release it Contains the following changes
Incorrect view showing in Log window while using USB4 hub #77
supporting of Thunderbolt device tree view #78
Segmentation Fault11 #79
No switch connected on Linux; UI seems to show a 2101 #80 #81 #83
DUT related issues #90
Connecting to switch with manual control doesn't reflect switch state #64
Read port status #91
Alternate duty cycle calculation #92
v2.7.0 is a patch release it contains.
- Cricket UI fails to launch on ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04
v2.6.1 is a patch release.
- update the version tag #75
v2.6.0 is a patch release.
- Device search dialog goes blank until complete the search #70
- App not responding when other com port devices(that are not MCCI USB Switches) are attached to the system USB & Slow search for switches #59 #65
- Minimizing and maximizing the application #60
- Disable VBUS V/I monitor if switch doesn't support #63
- misspelling in the log window instead of Switch it was spelled as Swicth #61.
v2.5.0 is major release it Contains the following changes
Feature added – Plotting of VBUS Volt and Current
VBUS V/I Plotting
#18 #48 #52. -
USB Tree view removed and merged with Log Window
Replaced USB Tree view window to Log Window
#24. -
Perform device Search in advance, Device searching automatically or manually searching the device
USB Switch Scanning
#30. -
Auto mode improved (Port selection provided)
Port(s) selection
#22 also with out port selection start auto pop-pp window appearsPopUp window
#Auto Popupwindow
. -
Linux machine IP scanning issue fixed
Scanning ip address from Linux machine
#20. -
The word Model replace by MCCI USB Switch
Replace MCCI USB Switch
#27. -
UI not responding issued fixed
UI not Responding
#28. -
Do not disable Manage Model>Connect when connected allow the user to directly connect to another switch
Connect menu
#30. -
Enhancement – Highlight the name of the Switch
Highlet Switch
#29. -
added Finished count in Loop Mode
Finished Count
#23. -
Persistence of last connect
Last device connect
#43 -
Application hangs when closing the application on macOS using Quit command #40.
click on the settings menu, then click on the "Switch Control Computer" sub menu, this should display a dialog for searching the Computer over the network based on the port assigned for that. But dialog does not appearing
SCC and THC Setting menu search dialog not displayed - In Mac Catalian and Monterey
#41. -
UI panel are not centralized
fixed UI in Central on window
45. -
Port selection should be disable state once the Auto mode execution get started, then the required ports are should be enabled when auto mode gets stopped
Disable the port selection when auto mode is under execution
#50 -
update Cricket UI Windows.spec file with One directory file
Update Cricket-Windows.spec file
#47. -
Update year in the copy right info
Update copy right info in About dialog
v2.4.0 is major release; changes are significant to networking using TCP/IP.
- Add new feature support for Three computer System and Two Computer
Two and Three Computer system through Networking
- Add new feature support for Three computer System and Two Computer
v2.3.0 is major release has following changes.
- Add support for MCCI Switch 2301 USB Connection Exerciser
MCCI USB Switch 2301
- Add support for MCCI Switch 2301 USB Connection Exerciser
v2.2.0 has following changes:
- Python implemented to Pep8 coding standard
MCCI USB Switch 2301
#5. - Package release for Raspberry Pi OS ubuntu18.04
- Python implemented to Pep8 coding standard
v2.0.0 is a major release.
- Interface for USB Switch 2101 added
- Radio buttons for Port switching replaced by image added buttons,
- Duty parameter added in auto mode,
- Until stopped and Port selection option added to the Loop mode and separate panel for Auto mode added,
- adding USB speed info, increase port switching speed.
v1.2.0 has following changes
- Host Controller issue and Delay override
v1.0.2 is a changes to menu option
- Mac Menu Update
v1.0.0 initial release of cricket UI
- Initial Release
Except as explicitly noted, content created by MCCI in this repository tree is copyright (C) 2021, MCCI Corporation.
The Cricket UI is released under the terms of the attached GNU General Public License, version 2.
is taken directly from the FSF website.
Commercial licenses and commercial support are available from MCCI Corporation.
Git submodules are subject to their own copyrights and licenses; however overall collection is a combined work, and is copyrighted and subject to the overall license.
MCCI invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support MCCI and open-source hardware by purchasing products from MCCI and other open-source hardware/software vendors!
For information about MCCI's products, please visit
MCCI and MCCI Catena are registered trademarks of MCCI Corporation. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.