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Crypto-upload-enabled firmware source base for the Chameleon RevG boards

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Project specs and high-level description

The ChameleonCryptoModFIrmware project is a custom modification of the Chameleon Mini (RevG) firmware distribution created by Maxie D. Schmidt on behalf of private project funding.

The primary modification of the existing Chameleon Mini firmware sources is made to support loading of encrypted MIFARE_CLASSIC_1K dump images. This modification to the source then also includes support of administrative key-related functionality to generate and manage the keys help within the Chameleon RevG board firmware EEPROM. A significant change effectively "upgrading" the firmware source from C to C++ has been made in the code contained in this repository. This change was necessary to support the C++-based Arduino Crypto Library as a part of the original project spec to ease the coding requirements of handling the new cryptographic routines within our source code.

List of primary modifications to the firmware

The main changes / modifications / new files added to the stock Chameleon Mini firmware source distribution for our purposes here include the following file lists:

  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/ChameleonCrypto.cpp/h : The bulk of our new routine support stems from the functions defined and implemented here;
  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/ChipLocking.cpp/h : Enable / disable (authed) locking of the ATMega chips found onboard the Chameleon Mini boards;
  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/Configuration.h : Added the built-in KeyData field in the ConfigurationType struct (i.e., in the usual ActiveConfiguration variable referenced in many places throughout the firmware code);
  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/Terminal/XModem.cpp/h : Needed to modify the XModem upload process to handle custom processing of encrypted dumps loaded via the new UPLOAD_ENCRYPTED command documented below;
  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/Terminal/Commands.cpp/h : Implementation of the new commands.
  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/ChameleonCryptoUtils/* : Utilities mostly for development and testing purposes. Also includes a small supply of unencrypted default dump images which we can test the loading routines for in MF1KDumpSamples;
  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/ArduninoCryptoLib/* : The external crypto library source we started the implementation with plus some custom extensions and necessary modifications. For example, we needed to compile the library with the -mcpu=avrxmega7 option to avr-g++ which as it turns out omits some key details of the stdlibc++ implementation we needed to fix and include for our purposes here.
  • ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/Makefile : Customizations and new definitions (some hash-mark-commented) for the crypto support specs added to the existing Makefile sources. These implicitly include the modifications we have made to the ./Firmware/LUFA/Build/ headers to support the necessary feature set we require for this project.

Makefile options (crypto routine configuration, etc.)

See and peruse the source file ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/Makefile in some detail to view some of the obvious modifications and new definitions we have included in this file. Notably, we have chosen to disable SUPPORT_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE options per default expectations to make it harder for non-administrative user-level usage of the Chameleon board chips we ship with this modified firmware patch:

#Support activating firmware upgrade mode through command-line

We support encryption of the dumps (configured via compile-time C++ defined options) via the AES block cipher in key sizes of 128/192/256 bits. The supported cipher modes for use with the specified AES key-size configuration include CTR(size-4)/CFB/OFB/CBC. The default built-in (or as-is) configuration is specified through the compile time build options specified below:

## Setup the default cipher mode and block cipher types here:
SETTINGS        += -DDEFAULT_COUNTER_SIZE=4 # OR 0 if none needed

Additionally, we have included the following defines configured via the customized Makefile setup we have created here:

## Specify the default passphrase needed to flash / lock / unlock the device:
FLASH_LOCK_PASSPHRASE = $(shell ./BuildScripts/ | tail -n 1)
SETTINGS        += -DENABLE_ADMIN_LEVEL_DEBUGGING # Let firmware users print key storage data for debugging?
SETTINGS        += -DREQUIRE_PASSPHRASE_TO_LOCK_CHIP=0 # Descriptively named setting ... 
SETTINGS        += -DENABLE_CHIP_UNLOCKING=1 # Let users unlock the chip (with passphrase auth)? 
SETTINGS        += -DPRIu16=\"PRIu16\"

Building the firmware source and flashing on Linux

Configuring the platform

Any modern Ubuntu Linux or Linux Mint system is considered to be our target platform for flashing chips from the commandline. In order to compile the firmware software and then flash it onto the AVR chip onboard the Chameleon, we will need to first install the following packages:

$ sudo apt-get install avra avrdude gcc-avr gdb-avr avr-libc

Additionally, to get the standard UDEV USB device rules configured correctly, follow the advice given on this page to install ./Drivers/98-ChameleonMini.rules into the UDEV rule set stack:

$ sudo cp Drivers/98-ChameleonMini.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
$ sudo udevadm control --reload

Building the firmware from source

Perform the following steps to build the firmware:

$ cd Firmware/Chameleon-Mini
$ make clean && make
$ ls -lh Chameleon-Mini-Crypto-Board.*

Flashing the firmware

We will need the Chameleon-Mini-Crypto-Board.eep and Chameleon-Mini-Crypto-Board.hex binary files generated by compiling the modified crypto-based source code as in the previous section. We can then attach the Chameleon Mini (RevG) board to the Linux system's USB port while holding down RBUTTON to get the device to enter the bootloader mode. You can tell that the connected Chameleon device is in Bootloader Mode if there are no green LED lights turned on nor flashing even though the board is securely connected to the USB power source on your machine. Once this is done, flash the firmware binaries onto the AVR chip using the following command:

$ export FWBIN="Chameleon-Mini-Crypto-Board"
$ sudo avrdude -c flip2 -p ATXMega128A4U -B 60 -P usb -U application:w:$FWBIN.hex:i -U eeprom:w:$FWBIN.eep:i

Now you can disconnect the device over USB, plug it into the USB port on your system again as normal, and then proceed to communicate with the device as if the original firmware installation is present via a serial terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install socat lrzsz
$ socat - /dev/ttyACM0,crnl,raw,echo=0 
   > do UPLOAD_ENCRYPTED command as normal (or via the ChameleonMiniUSBInterface library in Android)
// Meanwhile in another terminal window: 
$ sx EncMF1KDump.edmp | socat FILE:/dev/ttyACM0,b115200,raw -

New Chameleon Mini command set

The effective changes in executive functioning and interface with our patched firmware versions of the Chameleon Mini RevG boards are documented below in this section.

New command: DEVICEAUTH


Mechanism by which we may load new key data into the short list of tracked key data stored within the modified firmware. This requires authentication via a "backdoor" flash lock password specified at compile time (typically, by default, the unquoted string "MyFlashLockPwd11:-)"). The Makefile option to change this default password setting is as follows:

## Specify the default passphrase needed to flash / lock / unlock the device:
FLASH_LOCK_PASSPHRASE = $(shell ./BuildScripts/ | tail -n 1)


DEVICEAUTH FlashLockPassword [NumberOfKeyChangesToAuth=1]
  • FlashLockPassword : Typically defined to be MyFlashLockPwd11:-) unless otherwise specified at compile time (you know who you are if/when this happens);
  • NumberOfKeyChangesToAuth : Specify the (fixed, finite) number of key change operations to allow after authenticating with the correct FlashLockPassword string. This setting defaults to the singular allowed change by specified if not otherwise manually reset on the command line.


deviceauth MyFlashLockPwd11:-) 5

New command: SETKEY


The command sets the hex-byte-valued key data for one of the predefined (four) keys now stored internally by the Chameleon Mini RevG boards.


SETKEY KeyIdx KeyData
  • KeyIdx : An integer between 0-3
  • KeyData : Hexadecimal string key data of length at most 2 x MAX_AESBLOCKCIPHER_BITSIZE (e.g., at most 512/8 = 64 hexadecimal characters)

Return value

A standard Chameleon return code indicating success or failure of the operation.


keyauth MyFlashLockPwd11:-) 10
setkey 1 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF
getkey 1

New command: GENKEY


Similar to the SETKEY command. Sets the key data for a given built-in key by means of an ascii-string-valued passphrase which we use to generate the key data.


GENKEY KeyIdx PassphraseSrcString
  • KeyIdx : An integer between 0-3
  • PassphraseSrcString : An (unquoted) ascii-valued source string in plaintext format used as a passphrase to effectively

Return value

A standard Chameleon return code indicating success or failure of the operation. If the key generation command is successful then COMMAND_INFO_OK_WITH_TEXT_ID (101) is returned with text the hexadecimal string value of the key data just updated by the command.


genkey 2 ggggggggg
getkey 2

New command: GETKEY


A debugging command to print out the HEX-valued ASCII strings associated with the key data for each registered key currently being tracked in the firmware. Note that this command is enabled by default in the stock Makefile that ships with this modification of the firmware source, but is of course sanely turned off by compile time C-style #ifdef ... preprocessor macros by updating the Makefile options to the following settings:

#SETTINGS += -DENABLE_ADMIN_LEVEL_DEBUGGING # Let firmware users print key storage data for debugging?


  • AESKeyIndex : a single decimal digit in the range 0-3 indicating the key index to grok internally stored data from.


getkey 2                          



Similar to the functionality, feel and usage of the existing standard UPLOAD command to upload the card dump data from a raw unecrypted file format. The dump uploaded here (with specified key data used in the decryption) should be suitably encrypted using the pre-configured AES+CipherMode algorithms for the decryption routine to run correctly (see detailed example below for testing purposes).


UPLOAD_ENCRYPTED KeyIndex TimestampSaltAsciiString
<User Initiates Upload of the Encrypted Dump via an XModem Commection from the Terminal>
  • KeyIndex : Index of the preloaded internally stored key to use for decryption;
  • TimestampSaltAsciiString : Short-ish (exactly 16-character) timestamp string to use as a "salted" initial vector for the AES block cipher used for decryption.


$ cd ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini-Crypto-Board
$ ./HelperScripts/ 1 MyTimestampSalt1 ChameleonCryptoUtils/MF1KDumpSamples/8956-1972-D463.edmp --reset
$ minicom chameleoncb
> upload_status
> uid?
> config?
# <CTRL+A> then 'q' to exit

New command: UPLOAD_STATUS


Check on the status of a pending or recently processed UPLOAD_ENCRYPTED command issued to load an encrypted Mifare1K dump image into memory.


  • No parameters are passed to this command



Testing and crypto dump utilities

Basic encryption scheme specs

Since Simon has graciously granted me free will to implement the crypto standard for the uploaded MF1K dump images as best as I can get them running on the Chameleon RevG hardware, we are in need of a local (read: Linux command line) utility to create the encrypted dump images for testing with the Chameleon board. Given an initial unencoded binary dump file representing a MF1K image that can be initialized into the Chameleon's active memory slot with a call to the pre-existing stock UPLOAD command, we also require the convention that the dump image be prepended with an ASCII-plaintext header tag (namely, the string "MFCLASSIC1K-DMP" without the quotes):

# Shell commands to create the base unencrypted dump images:
$ cd ./Firmware/Chameleon-Mini-Crypto-Board/ChameleonCryptoUtils/MF1KDumpSamples
$ export INITDMPIMGBASE=3E46-E4ED-516D.dmp

The rationale behind prepending a header tag to the data we encrypt is to add another verification mechanism that we are correctly decrypting the image into a non-garbage binary buffer for loading into Chameleon memory at slot #X. That is, it is so unprobable that we could incorrectly decrypt the image and still have this key chunk of header text be accurate as intended that if the first few bytes of the decrypted dump image match this header string, we will assume that we have correctly decrypted the dump image. This scheme is not entirely unlike the Authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) crypto schemes which are supported by the unmodified (untrimmed) source for the library we utilize for crypto (e.g., the ChaChaPoly scheme, among a couple of noteworthy others). After we prepend the header tag to the base dump image data, we will then proceed to perform decryption (encryption by API or external command line utility) using a standardized AES128 block cipher endowed with the standardized CFB cipher mode.

Testing out (verifying) the library code is implemented correctly via our subroutines

Let's work on the problem of generating the appropriate encrypted dump images for us to test with the new Chameleon Mini UPLOAD_ENCRYPTED command. For example, observe:

$ cd .. && make clean && make && cd ChameleonCryptoUtils
$ ../HelperScripts/ MF1KDumpSamples/5076-4309-1469.dmp 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABDCEF MyTimestampSalt1
 >> Removing previous files ...
 >> Creating dump data file "ChameleonCryptoUtils/MF1KDumpSamples/5076-4309-1469.dmp" ...
 >> Prepending crypto header string "MFCLASSIC1K-DMP" ...
 >> Extending dump data file from 1187 to 1280 bytes ...
 >> Sanity check on the encryption / decryption routine: OK! ... 
 >> Terminating the utility for good!

The source repository features the encrypted dumps resulting from running the encryption command above on each of the three prepared sample dump files:

$ ls MF2KDumpSamples/*.edmp
MF1KDumpSamples/3E46-E4ED-516D.edmp  MF1KDumpSamples/8956-1972-D463.edmp

At this point, we are ready to load up some new key data and then test out the encrypted dump upload functionality on a live Chameleon Mini device. The basic instructions for communicating with the Chameleon over a serial USB terminal described here may now be repeated and followed thusly in testing out the API's functionality.

Reading and resources on locking features of the AVR ATMega128 chips in the Chameleon boards

Programatic locking functionality added to the Chameleon

  • Added DEVICEAUTH which lets users with a "secret" (Makefile / compile-time defined) backdoor password authenticate with the system to load keys and view keys. Note that only a SHA256 hash of this password is stored within the firmware, so in principle this is as safe as if a would-be reverse engineer hardware hacker gal were to obtain the /etc/shadow (/etc/passwd) files on a Unix system. It's not a perfect solution, but for now this is the only sane way to do development without permanenty bricking some expensive test sets of Chameleon Mini hardware.
  • The Makefile option -DSUPPORT_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE is enabled and password protected via the DEVICEAUTH mechanism in the previous point. This provides another sane (RE: for development) layer of getting the device back to bootloader mode where it can be reflashed with avrdude.

Further reading for future development